Arkhe (Additional Extra Info)



- He's suspiciously perceptive, and can dig up almost any dirt a person has on them. He never reveals how his keen eye and intuition are so extreme and well-trained in detail, but it's due to how he grew up. As a very young child, he was put into a highly honored protector role for his village due to his intelligence and calmness during dire and serious situations, and being able to quickly form plans on the fly. The elders gave him the title of "wise eyes that saw all secrets" due to it, and even gave him a unique pattern of face paint around his eyes. This is considered a very highly honorable thing due to the scarcity of materials they have, so very few are able to have such an esteemed sign of their power in what little hierarchy there is

- He's very highly intelligent, and tends to get openly happy when someone calls him a nerd, whether it be jokingly or otherwise. He's so used to people acknowledging his brawn but not his brains that it makes him happy when the most powerful skill he has is mentioned at all

- After he ran from his village once his parents and siblings were dead, he became rather...bloodthirsty. He killed often and in more and more intricate ways to sate his rage until he got into his mid-to-late teens, due to how the traumatic experience messed with his mind. Even now he retains the things he'd learned from back then in intricate detail, and has a secretly bloodthirsty side of him that he doesn't show at all unless the situation is dire enough

- He's a good listener, and is far more kind and gentle than he lets on at first glance. His patience helps him better be a solid support system for those in need of a listening ear and a source of comfort

- His tribe are descendants of Native humans. His tribe reflects a mix of Cherokee, Chickasaw, and Choctaw traditions

- He and his tribe are all technically born with the power of chlorokinesis, but it manifests as being able to understand the needs and words of the greenery around them. Arkhe can hear the idle chatter of all the flowers he passes by, and he can even ask plants what they need to help him with his gardening and tending to them, whether out loud or telepathically. This power is something he's proud to have, but it does have its rough moments, like the occasions he has to bite back tears as he hurries past fallen trees that didn't get that way by natural means since he hears only pained sobbing

- He's got quite the history with casual dating and flings. Man, woman, both, neither, and any and everything in between, he's slept with them all and has countless wild stories of some rather unique (sometimes even enjoyably unhinged) Au Ra partners he's had. He may crave love, but he hasn't found the one for him yet, so until then he satisfies his sexual needs where his romantic needs fall short

- He doesn't truly trust even his closest friends for quite a while. It takes him saying to your face that he trusts you, and it's safe to assume that no matter what he may share, how friendly he may act and even say he feels towards you, he doesn't trust you and is looking for an excuse to call you suspicious until you hear that "I trust you" come out of his mouth

- He's adaptive socially, but in reality he prefers to keep to himself. He's shocked a few people after giving very extroverted first impressions, and the next time they see him he's completely away from the crowd just looking on or doing something completely unrelated on his own, like reading or drawing

- He's always had a love for the arts and a natural talent for them, and will giddily accept any opportunity he can grab onto to draw, paint, write, you name it. One of his favorite muses to paint with watercolors are birds

- He's extremely good with animals in general, but in the end he's a cat person through and through. He has a black cat named Libra that he loves with all his heart and has had for many years. Even as he gets older, Libra adores Arkhe like no other and snuggles with him at every opportunity

- His political views are very direct action oriented. The best way to vaguely put it into words is a mix of "I don't know how to tell you that you should care about other people, and also tax the rich as you should", and the violent approaches of destroying colonizer monuments and breaking police car windows as a first choice in broad daylight. If someone doesn't respect you and is a bigot because you're queer? He has a gun and he loves to point it at people. He'd be the one throwing homemade explosives at police in a riot, and makes his hatred of them very open and well-known. He will never knowingly befriend a cop and drops anyone on the spot that he finds out is one

- He has a Dad Sneeze yet tiny, squeaky mouse hiccups

- He has a Mel Blanc Yell when angry, and it'd be wise to cover your ears if you're within 10-12 feet of him when he yells

- He HATES when people bring it up and poke fun at him for it...but he's a furry in denial. Call him a furry and he'll get uncharacteristically upset as he tries to claim he isn't

- He's what he calls a "magpie of Au Ra" where he can mimic almost any sound he hears with enough practice. This is partially due to his village and their ability to communicate with various clicks, vibrations, and hums thanks to various smaller sacs in their throats for this specific purpose. The main way he uses this keen imitation ability of his is by making various bird noises when bored or needing to stim through auditory means, and occasionally when he's upset enough that he needs to go outside and howl into the night a bit to get it all out

- His full panther form retains these vocalization sacs, and as a result he can mimic the sound of other big cats, as well as smaller wild cats. It further makes him stand out among panthers due to sounding like a tiger by default

- His tribe have the ability to make their Blaschko's lines visible as a threat display, and to animals that see through UV and normally see those patterns anyways, it looks nearly blinding in how bright they become. The exceptions to this are members of the tribe who haven't trained with it and have since forgotten how, or those who have skin conditions and/or diseases where their Blaschko's lines are visible to the naked eye

- All of his bodily fluids except his semen and tears are highly deadly due to their causticity. His urine can be used to burn through people's stomachs to kill them instantly and brutally, his vomit is caustic enough to melt people's faces and sizzle while it happens, and he can control his saliva and make people suffer from the equivalent of extreme and sudden mercury poisoning. This isn't without cost, however, and not only can he burn himself too from these things if he's not careful, but he gives off horrible body odor and his urine smells like pure sulfur when he's not taking care of himself properly. The time his urine melted a toilet bowl and made an entire home smell like sulfur because he was dehydrated enough to almost pass out still haven't stopped haunting him from the embarrassment of causing people problems

- His stomach acid has a pH of 1, which is why he fully digests nearly everything he eats directly in his stomach

- He has no tonsils. His vomit has completely eroded them and cauterized whatever wounds were brought about over time, and he only has vague lumpy areas where they used to be to show they were even there at all

- While his skills with any magic are limited, his most powerful ability is redirecting lightning. The first time he did it, he'd jumped in front of someone to protect them, he remembered a moment of hearing Cervus and Ember speaking about how to redirect lightning, and his body acted on autopilot. He redirected the lightning with far more power than the initial bolt had been due to combining with a blast of darkness on its own, but the toll it took on his body made him pass out afterwards. He quickly honed this skill though and has the third most powerful lightning attacks among the group, only surpassed by Ember and Cervus themselves

- He's scared of heights, but not in the typical way. As long as he has some form of solid footing that he can put both feet on fully, he's perfectly fine and not scared at all, that is unless he's barely bumped. That's when he begins to fully panic and feel like he's plummeting down a mountain due to his equilibrium being completely thrown for a loop all of a sudden, even if he's only a few inches above the ground. He hates using stepladders because of this

- If he gets hungry to the point of passing out, he always hallucinates being back in the forest he grew up in, where he barely managed to hold himself up to fight against starving to death. You'll know when this happens when he lets out a gasp, his eyes start darting around frantically, and his expression suddenly shifts to a look of pure rage as he snarls about needing to find food. After that, though, he'll just collapse. He eats on instinct when things are put in his mouth while unconscious, so the easiest way to shorten the time until he wakes up is to try and feed him

- He has a trigger of hearing his loved ones vomiting. It stems from the gags of his parents as they died, and every time he hears someone he cares about even gagging a little, it sends a massive wave of fear down his spine and puts him at risk of a panic attack if he has no way to block out the sound