Victoria von Fernandez



2 years, 11 months ago


Name: Victoria von Fernandez Age: Adult Gender: Female Species: Elf Werewolf Personality: Victoria is a very loyal, yet mean and sassy person. She’s quick to judge people who aren’t cursed like her (Isn’t a vampire, werewolf etc.) that being said she won't be gullible and instantly trusting to someone who is, but it would be less difficult for them. Once she really cares for someone she’ll go through just about anything for them. Often going out of her way for their happiness. Especially Nova’s.

Other info: She is Nova’s loyal servant, being her right hand in many things. She helps Nova’s life be easier by helping her keep their hidden society intact. She has great control over herself, being able to transform into a wolf whenever she pleases instead of it being only at night and vice versa. She actually prefers being a wolf over an elf, being a little embarrassed of her original form.