


2 years, 11 months ago



Age: Adult

Species: Elf

Personality: Pascal is a hot headed yet strong willed individual, He often makes quick assumptions about people, and can be rude at times. He really wants to be strong like his father, and tries his best to be to varying levels of success. His father is a renowned knight, able to take down even the strongest of foes. Despite all of this, Pascal is a bit of a scaredy cat who is especially afraid of werewolves due to a past experience. His deep fear of wolves is one of his main drives to overcome, due to this he’s constantly trying to hunt them down, thinking that if he could take one out his fears will disappear.

Other info: Pascal tries to speak using proper language trying to sound official and experienced. That way of talking often disappears when he’s upset.

Pascal likes using different kinds of traps to get his opponents, using  leg ropes, leaves over ditch etc. Honestly those traps are just as much of a detriment to him as they are to his enemies, ending up stuck in them every now and then. He uses silver weapons knowing that it's a werewolves weakness. When he’s not scared he can actually be a pretty scary fighter, unfortunately he gets spooked very easily and becomes super clumsy.

This character is in the same universe as: Vyn