Lea (Leandre Holloway)



11 months, 20 days ago


I thought you'd be here, you're not very good at sneaking up on people.

Leandre (Lea) Holloway

[ About ]


During Lea's childhood, he was homeschooled by one of the butlers at _ Palace, who taught him many things very advanced for his age, making him quite verbose and eventually, more intelligent than his parents. His family was too busy dealing with king and queen responsibilities to provide him attention, which made Lea resort to books for something to do. He loves writing and reading, as he usually has nothing better to do. It's very difficult for Lea to make friends, since he has no experience socialising.

Over the years, Lea would grow so tired of being bored with nothing to do in the palace, he would try to talk to his guards as some sort of social outlet. One day, whilst he and Kyra were chatting, Kyra mentioned how she came across a really goofy thief who failed to get into the palace one time. This spiked Lea's interest, as he saw the thief could be a potential friend for him. He asked Kyra more about the thief, and she'd go on to explain what they looked like, and where they usually come in to try and break in. This motivated Lea to hang out more around the areas the thief enters the premises so he could see them. As expected, the thief showed up, and Lea, without thinking, teased how poor she is at breaking into their palace, which caused London to backchat him. This is what started their relationship as rivals, as they would both tease each other as London continued to try to steal from the castle.

Over time, Lea started to try and come off as more pleasant whenever London would show up, trying to put down his walls and engage in genuine conversation. London, being very adaptable, happily conversated back with Lea. The more the two talked, the more they got to know each other, and they both grew on each other. Eventually, they became good friends. Lea would even try to sneak out of the palace without any of the butlers noticing so that the two could hang out.

[ Nature ]


  • chores
  • helping
  • writing


  • being prince
  • loneliness
  • magic


Lea is very unsociable, having little to no experience talking with others genuinely about matters other than palace life. Being locked up in __ Palace for so long has made his social skills very poor, making him unable to keep up decent conversation, let alone start it. He finds it difficult to respond and answer questions, and is usually seen alone in his room, writing. As he was raised without much attention, he became very irritable whenever he'd be given too much attention or was pestered even a little bit. Due to the lack of attention while he was raised, he grew to be easily bored and brutally honest. He is very diligent and loves having stuff to do, as he usually has nothing to do being prince. He's very sensible and verbose, as he would read books for a majority of his childhood. He's also very accepting, and wishes he were able to help others get people to accept them too. He wishes he weren't so hard to be around, so then he could finally interact with others the way he wants to.

[ Basics ]

GENDER Male, he/him
AGE 15 years
BIRTHDAY July 4, 1875
RACE English
BODYTYPE 5'5", athletic build
ROLE Prince

[ Facts & Trivia ]

Lea often writes stories about fantastical creatures and adventures, such as dragons and knights and other things of the sort. He enjoys putting himself into his stories and giving himself lots of friends, which he wishes he could have in real life. Despite how Lea acts around people, he does genuinely want to be a sociable person and have people rely on him, although it's hard for him to open up.

  • Lea wasn't given much attention in his childhood, as he was an only child and his parents were always busy taking care of the needs of their nation. He resorted to books as a pass-time, which is what made him so intelligent.
  • He loves writing because it gives him a chance to escape reality and keep himself busy.
  • He wishes people would come to him for advice, but unfortunately, due to his behaviour, he's unable to open up to people and let others close to him.
  • His birthname is Leandre, but prefers his nickname 'Lea'.

[ Relationships ]



Atlas, being a knight, works for Lea's protection. Atlas doesn't get to speak to him much, but whenever Lea starts conversation, Atlas tries to make a chill impression.



Kyra, being a knight, works for Lea's protection. Whenever Lea would interact with her to practice his socialisation, Kyra would happily talk with him and assist him with his public speaking mannerisms.



London and Lea met through her repeatedly attempting to break into his palace. At first the two had a mutual disliking to one another, but eventually became friends over time after seeing each other so often.



Lea met Carina through London, although the two didn't click because Lea has trouble believing in the idea of magic, but Carina doesn't feel any ill will against him for it. They only really talk if they have to around London.



Lynn is often attempting to get into _ Palace, all to no avail. This made her very determined to keep trying, and met Lea through many failed attempts to break in. This humours Lea, yet keeps Lynn dedicated to breaking in.