London Brassford



11 months, 17 days ago


Catch me if you can!

London Brassford

[ About ]


London grew up poor, as her father left her and her mother wasn't allowed to get a job to support them because she's a woman. This made them resort to crime, being taught by her mother to steal from others for their family's benefit. The two have a very strong bond, both being thieves. Her life of crime started out with just stealing food to stay healthy, which then sparked an interest in thievery of more valuable items such as jewellery and riches. Over time, London became obsessed with stealing, which made her a wanted criminal in many towns around __. This caused her to have to stay over at many different abandoned buildings to sleep, although her mother's house is still in the same area it always was, London can't risk going back there and outing them both to the watchmen.

As London hopped through different houses, she eventually came across a hut in a swampy area she thought was abandoned. As she slept, she heard footsteps coming closer to the hut and eventually the hut door opened. London felt genuine fear for the first time since she started robbery, was this the end of her career? As the door opened, a girl in a witch's costume revealed herself. She noticed London sleeping on the floor, and questioned why she was in her house, surprisingly unfazed by this occurrence. London stuttered, unsure how to react, but was surprised to hear the witch giggle politely. The witch introduced herself as Carina, and London did the same. She gave London a proper welcome to her home, and allowed her to stay as roommates.

As London would move around England the more she'd steal, she eventually came across __ Palace, where the Holloways resided. Immediately, London got the urge to steal from them, being royals. London has a hate for royals, because they're typically snobby, rich and gifted, which London wishes she was. As a subconscious defense mechanism, she'd conspire against royals, resorting to stealing their goods from them, even if what she stole had no real use for London. After many failed attempts of breaking into the palace, through the gardens, through the windows, and many other places, she would eventually make friends with Lea and Lynn, as they are both typically found there. Her relationship with Lea started out as rivals, since London was trying to steal from him and he was annoyed by her constantly failing to break in. She met Lynn by failing to break into the palace's garden, falling out of a tree and getting found by who she thought was Kyra, but turned out to be Lynn shapeshifting into the form of Kyra. The two bonded over their enjoyment for stealing and became friends.

[ Nature ]


  • shiny things
  • stealing
  • the woods


  • reading
  • royals
  • staying still


London is very good at coming up with plans in moments of strife, she's a quick thinker and always has a backup plan if something goes wrong, making her very adaptable if ever put in captivity for her crimes. She's very witty and tends to tease people around her, such as Prince Holloway. As a thief, she is very fast, dishonest and persuasive, oftentimes wearing disguises and altering her voice to gain access to something she'd usually be restricted from. London is quite childish, and finds it hard to take things seriously, joking about most things as a coping mechanism when confronted with heavy emotional baggage. She's quite a know-it-all, and likes to prove others wrong with her knowledge. She feels little to no regret or sympathy for the people she steals from, as it keeps her busy and benefits from it.

[ Basics ]

GENDER Female, she/he/they
AGE 15 years
BIRTHDAY August 17, 1875
RACE Chinese-English
BODY TYPE 5'8", toned build
ROLE Thief

[ Facts & Trivia ]

When London first started her career in thievery, she would conceal her identity by wearing masks and disguises. This made the public assume she was male, which is why she is referred to by she/he/they pronouns. The longer her career went on for, the more comfortable she got whenever she was close to being found. When London first started out as a thief, she would get very anxious and fearful whenever she was close to being found out and sent to captivity.

  • In denial of being bisexual, gets very defensive whenever someone brings it up.
  • Her father left her when she was very small, which is what started her stealing career.
  • Her first real friend was Carina, then Lynn, then Lea.

[ Relationships ]



Carina and London met when Carina came home to find London sleeping on her floor, thinking it was an abandoned house she could crash at. The two became roommates.



Lynn and London met when London was attempting to break into the __ Palace, falling out of a tree and being caught by Lynn, who was shapeshifting into the form of Kyra for the same goal. The two bonded over their similar interests.



London and Lea met through her repeatedly attempting to break into his palace. At first the two had a mutual disliking to one another, but eventually became friends over time after seeing each other so often.



London and Kyra met when London was attempting to break into __ Palace. Kyra told her to not break in very calmly, which spiked London's interest in her, since she's not like the other guards. The two often goof around even though they're supposed to be against each other.



London and Atlas met when London was attempting to break into __ Palace. Atlas defended the palace, not expecting to see her again, just for London to repeatedly attempt to break in, slowly building their relationship.