


3 years, 2 months ago


A genetically enhanced Absol clone that came from the same Rocket lab as Mizu the Mew. She was subject to horrible experiments for years before she was retired and given a new master, one of the more compassionate researchers in the lab. Tragically, her master and most of the lab was annihilated in a blast created by Mewtwo.

Most experiments done on Absoltwo were to study the effects of mega evolution. Her head is always in bandages because an irretrievable piece of Absolite was implanted into her brain to enhance her predictive powers. When she mega evolves, the wound sometimes reopens. Its intimate placement inside her body causes her to grow in size and muscle mass when mega evolved, and gives her the ability not only to predict horrible disasters, but also some of the opponent's next moves.

Sadly, although she had visions of Mewtwo's attack on the lab, she was unable to save her master. The traumatic event and the Absolite in her brain give her severe anxiety inducing visions and nightmares. She sometimes can't tell the difference between her memories and predictive visions of future disasters. Additionally, she's lived her whole life in the confines of the lab, which although abused her, had predictable and comforting routines. As a result, she feels unfit for the natural world.

Mizu the Mew, however, feels differently. As the sole survivors of the destroyed lab, they were both able to escape and roam together. Mizu adores and admires Absoltwo for her strength and wants to see her live a secure and happy life. For her, she sometimes transforms into a human to give her the comfort of having a loving Pokémon trainer again. In return, she has Absoltwo's undying loyalty and protection. Mizu can mega evolve Absoltwo when in her human form.

Absoltwo is also selectively mute and quiet even for a Pokemon. She can barely manage to communicate even with Mizu!