Sluz Čovjek



2 years, 11 months ago



The Antlers

1:24 3:43

Sluz Čovjek
gelatian | he/they/salt | 26

Sluz started off as a minecraft OC for an SMP, but has quickly become one of my all time favourite original characters.

They are a former pirate, dealing with being the only survivor of a vicious attack from a Kraken on their ship. They currently reside in a small town with an eccentric group of people.

  • gardening
  • jewellery
  • small spaces
  • seafood
  • storms
  • crowds

through and through...

lawful neutral
jumpy emotional gloomy

Sluz is very emotional and always finds himself to be on the verge of tears.

While he was a pirate, Sluz was quite the opposite to what he is now. He was very confident and ready for any challenge that faced him. The rest of his crew would describe him as 'foolhardy, reckless, but with a heart of gold - unless gold is actually involved, in which case he'll take as much as can fit in his greedy wee pockets.'.






...they want to sink and maroon you...

6'3" | anxious


Being a Gelatian, Sluz can change the form of his body (to an extend). Typically, a Gelatian's form would take that of something humanoid - but they are able to take parts of their own slimy body out to make themselves lighter in order to move quickly. Additionally, while asleep or unconcious, a Gelatian's form will melt into a puddle.

Sluz takes the form of a large man with a gloopy mass for hair, a moustache, pointed ears and watery eyes. Since he is slime and doesn't have teeth, he uses a set of false teeth. He wears golden earrings in his ears. Hidden under a long dark cloak, he wears a blue long-sleeved shirt and blue pants, held up by a red rope. The cloak has a large red skull patch with one gold tooth on the back.

Important Notes
  • Sluz has one gold tooth.
  • He doesn't have finger/toenails.
  • He has webbed fingers.

...float on your back, take me...

Vinišće, Croatia
A Pirate's Life

Sluz was born into a large family in Vinišće, a seaside city in Croatia. He was a troublemaking child, always getting into fights with his many siblings, cousins, second-cousins and pretty much all of his other family members. He got into the habit of stealing from local shops and merchants, thus earning the nickname 'the family marauder'.

At the age of 12, Sluz ran away from his stifling household to join a gang of pirates. He spent the better part of a decade living as a buccaneer, stealing treasure and sailing the oceans with his newfound crew. His fellow pirates became his friends and, eventually, like a found family to him.

The crew took on their biggest challenge when Sluz found a blue crystal that sent him visions of where to find treasure. Deciding it was worth the gamble, they followed the instructions of the crystal and found their way to an island where, lo and behold, there was a huge amount of treasure. Taking as much as they could carry, the crew carried it to their ship and drank the night away in celebration.

The next morning, groggy and hungover, they began to sail off with their newfound wealth. Before they got far however, the sea began to froth - and to their horror a huge creature arose from the waves. The ship was viciously attacked by a giant Kraken, and Sluz - being a Gelatian and thus being bouyant enough to float upon the water - was the only survivor.

Survivor's Guilt

Sluz moved to a tiny shack in a swamp that overlooked the ocean. (wip)

...closer to truth, but much, much further

found family


Sluz and Bizarra often get into friendly fights over next to nothing, but they both mean the world to each other.