Airlock (Elliott Lockwood)




Massive, massive WIP. Basically this is Airlock's Human AU.


Name: Elliott Lockwood
Age: 27
Pronouns: he/him
Sexual Orientation: Asexual, Aromantic
Occupation: Graduate Student, High-Energy Physics Researcher, Bartender (Part-time)

Curious | Sociable | Insecure

Most of Elliott's actions are driven by his relentless curiosity and undying desire to learn as much as he possibly can! At the core of his heart, he is a scientist through and through, possessing great intellectual acuity, reasoning power, and a knack for problem-solving. His combination of curiosity and intelligence makes him good at finding unexpected solutions to the puzzles he comes across, and with a mind as active as his, everything is a puzzle waiting to be solved!

Directly following from Elliott's intellectual curiosity is something that might be called social curiosity. In every person he meets, he sees a potential source of knowledge, a repository of experiences he might never know firsthand. He often greets newly met people with a mountain of questions to get to know as much about them as possible. Unlike with the sciences, polite socialization doesn't come naturally to Elliott, so in all his eagerness, he can come off as presumptuous, overwhelming, or otherwise socially inept. His naivete shows in his honesty, enthusiasm, and ignorance of proper etiquette.

Elliott is a lonely soul, desperate to make deeper connections, but fearful of opening up to others and being rejected. He has deeply-ingrained issues with his self-perception, and believes that he is too flawed, too broken, for anyone to actually like him. Because of this, he tends to hide away his negative emotions, presenting only his sociable, cheerful, energetic side. He doesn't realize that in doing this, he comes off as somewhat uncanny, as sickly sweet, and inadvertently pushes people away. This loneliness also happens to make him an easy target for manipulation. He would do highly questionable things if it meant feeling socially accepted.

6'0" | 183cm | Broad

It's sometimes easy to overlook how big of a guy Elliott actually is. He stands at a taller-than-average 183cm, and he has a wide, broad-shouldered build. All of this is somehow cancelled out by the way he carries himself. He seems to try to take up as little space as possible, and his habitual posture is an apprehensive slouch. He has the build of a swimmer, and the muscle tone of someone who does regular physical activity, but it's all softened by a bit of pudginess. By ethnicity, Elliott is half-Filipino, half-white American. His skin is a medium tan, while his eyes and hair are black.

Elliott has a preference for preppy, smart casual sorts of clothes. He usually wears dress shirts, slacks, and black leather dress shoes. He has a weakness for tacky, patterned ties, but avoids wearing them to work after his Research Advisor told him the weird ties made it hard to take him seriously. He always wears long pants and long-sleeved shirts, and seems to dislike showing much skin. Elliott favors cool tones, and blue in particular is his favorite color. He's also nearsighted, and always wears a pair of black, thick-rimmed glasses.




  • Lucien Lockwood (Uncle): His paternal uncle, and the man who raised him. Lucien is a cop, and their relationship is honestly awful.
  • Stella Lockwood (Aunt): His paternal aunt, and role model. She's a physicist, and although her subfield is different from his, she was his major inspiration to pursue the subject.


  • Elliott used to be a local-level competitive swimmer, when he was in high school. He still loves to swim and does it regularly, but he says competition stresses him out. He's got a boxful of swimming medals, but doesn't bother to display them.
  • Loves pen-and-paper puzzle games like Sudoku, Kakuro, Picross, etc. He has stacks and stacks of little puzzle books lying around. He knows there are apps for them, but he just likes the feel of pen and paper.