Airlock (Forum Game Content)



[IC] ^ < v Game v2.0

⬆ It's the tranquility that Airlock first became aware of, an unfamiliar sensation to a bot who had spent most of his existence at war. It was a welcome feeling, and Airlock allowed himself to savor it for a few moments, not caring to question just what its source was. But soon enough, he saw the shadow-- no, the creature whose presence brought that peace. He watched them curiously. They didn't look Cybertronian, nor like any other alien species Airlock had ever seen.

When the entity asked their question, Airlock's eyes lit up. "Yes..." he whispered, then louder, "Yes! Memories! Can you take away some of my memories? Someone in my past... hurt me, and his memory haunts me still. I see him everywhere-- hear him everywhere, even though he is long gone. Please let me forget him," Airlock pleaded. "I don't want to keep living in fear."

⬅ The two biggest motivating forces in Airlock's character is his  curiosity, and his fear, particularly his fear of violence, of rejection, and of authority figures. These two forces are pretty much always antagonistic. Curiosity is a positive motivation, it makes  Airlock do things. Fear is a negative motivation (usually), it stops him from doing things. If Airlock had his way, he'd take out all the fear from his mind, and leave just the curiosity. That's, uh...  probably not the best idea.

⬇ Airlock waves a hand, as if to wave away his negative thoughts. With his usual smile back on his face, he turns to you. "Well,  that's enough about awful memories we'd rather forget. Why don't you  tell me about your best memories? The one's you hold closest to your  spark-- I mean, er..." He pauses to look at you, his expression somewhat confused, "Your, um... heart? Is that what you have?"