


2 years, 11 months ago



Alex Tekrim "Tek" (Ah-lehx Tehk-rim), goes by Tek


Nyerla thylacine (undead taxidermy mount)


23 (21 at death and revival)


March 2nd


Non-binary (they/them)


Sapphic asexual


Approx. 50 cm (at shoulders, on all fours)


Approx. 100 cm (tail included)


Approx. 23 kg


A cave near Acalun Village, Thylacinia


Cirrus (adopted father), Tukune (biological father), Arteya (adopted sister)

Name meaning

Warrior (Alex), little wolf (Tekrim)



Tek is a slightly odd thylacine (disregarding the fact that they're, you  know, undead). They're often hyper and all over the place. They have very little boundaries and often hyperfixate on things a lot. They have autism, though it is undiagnosed as there are no terms for neurodivergencies in Nyerla yet.

Because they are slightly different from other thylacines, Tek always found it hard to fit in with others. It also didn't help that they had an overbearing mother and an abusive father. The only bond with their thylacine family that is still strong is with Arteya, Tek's older adopted sister. Due to their difficult home life, Tek ran away at age 14 and sought refuge in the woods of Acalun. Here, they met Cirrus, a lone wolf hermit who inhabits a cave in the forest. They soon befriended the recluse, and by now they consider themselves father and joey. 

At age 21, Tek died, however Cirrus couldn't bear the grief and, had Keiro revive them, resulting in them currently being an undead taxidermy mount that is able to speak and move. They are physically still 21, but will mentally continue to age. Their body also may not age truly anymore, but it'll still wear in time as all taxidermy does, especially when it moves around and is exposed to sunlight a lot. 

They have a pet tarantula named Elcidire and a semi-tame Nyerlan goat called Bearli.

Likes: Reading, Cirrus, spiders, wasps, goats and goat-riding, adventure, taking long walks with Cirrus, hunting traditionally, Arteya, Stibb, pretty much all meat

Dislikes: Tukune, Reiaya, social situations, overstimulation, being forced into things they're uncomfortable with, fish


  • Tek has autism (exactly where they are on the spectrum is a mystery).
  • Tek is slightly smaller than most thylacines.
  • Tek has  six teeth poking out: two lower fangs and four extra teeth that resemble  fangs further down their mouth. They also have only two upper incisors.
  • They smell like whatever food they last ate, dust and tanning liquid.
  • They have notable whiskers on their muzzle and two "chin hairs" poking out.  Also has two hairs of a similar color yet different structure pointing  forwards on their forehead.
  • On the inside they have mostly  stuffing and metal rods inside their legs. Their skull is still inside their head, though. Tongue is plastic. Eyes are glass. They also have a magical crystal inside of their chest which contains their soul is giving them life force.  As long as it remains inside of them, they'll continue to "live" in  their own undead way.
  • Tek doesn't have the need to do/sometimes  can't even do basic living things such as crying, blinking, salivating,  breathing, sleeping, etc. They don't even need eye orbs to see, they can  just pop them out whenever they want, even replace them with other  ones. They can actually sleep, but don't need to in order to restore  energy.
  • They have a backwards-facing pouch like cis female thylacines. They'll often stuff random shit they find inside.
  • The necklace they wear has the antler tine of a jackalope on it, their earring has a fox fang dangling from it.