


2 years, 10 months ago



Silky Tess Kuga Jones (Sihl-key Tehs Koo-gah Joh-nes), goes by Silky


Nyerla cougar




February 13th


Female (she/her)


Aromantic asexual


Approx. 70 cm (at shoulders, on all fours)


Approx. 200 cm (tail included)


Approx. 58 kg


None, roams many lands and locations


Arrow (mother)

Name meaning



Description: Silky originates from the Concolor. She grew up in a little tribe of cougars, but later grew up to be quite the war heroine for her tribeduring the Cougar Wars. She was the most successful warrior of her tribe and eventually contributed to winning them a big plot of territory at the war's end.

During her cubhood, however, she often felt cast out for her lazy eye. She often ended up traveling to the nearby Wolf Lands during one of her runaway episodes, where she met a young wolf named Cirrus. The two, both feeling left out, soon became close friends. However, as Silky's tribe began to prepare for wars, she met him less and less, before eventually completely being cut off from him as her duty called. Nowadays, she visits Cirrus in his home cave in Thylacinia regularly, finally having reunited with her cubhood friend. 

During the Cougar Wars Silky slayed many and eventually became known as a warlord, just like her late mother before her. Arrow's harsh parenting and grooming her into a hardened warrior had paid off, however it also had terrible consequences on Silky's mental state. Due to the how much she suffered under Arrow's parentage and the many deaths she caused, Silky is nowadays very traumatized, to the point she turned her back on her tribe and life in Concolor in general, instead now roaming the many lands and locations she comes across by herself, searching for the inner peace she desires so much.

She isn't very fond of Cirrus' joey, Tek, but the two tolerate one another for the sake of Cirrus. Silky has a sharp personality and little patience with stupidity, but she has a good heart, at least when it comes to those she cares about. Silky is deep down very afraid and suffers from frequent nightmares and flashbacks of the Wars, however she keeps this to herself and only Cirrus knows about her inner turmoil.

Likes: Physical exercise, long distance running, reading, Cirrus, her tribe, traveling, being by herself.

Dislikes: War, fighting, her lazy eye, Tek, slackers, incompetence, her traumas


  • Silky is an aromantic asexual and is very much against anything relating to romance and sex. She also doesn't like being touched.
  • Silkey suffers from PTSD from her time during the wars. She was always more of a reluctant hero who did what she did for the sake of her tribe and due to Arrow demanding her to rather than actively wanting to contribute during the war.
  • Her paws are non-dexterous, so she can't hold objects in them.
  • When needing to focus, she may wear an eye patch over her lazy eye.
  • Her right eye is the lazy one. It tends to point upwards and slightly inwards, no matter which way she's looking with her other eye. Her lazy eye is not optional.