


2 years, 11 months ago


Pousse (Sprout)
7 seasons
Les Etoiles
La Beaute du Printemps
Un Chasseur des Proies
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Sprout is a sweet and happy-go-lucky she-cat. Well, she tries to be. Ever since her best friend Mahogany died, she's struggled to cope. Her emotions are all over the place. One moment she'll be smiling and playing with les petit chatons, the next she'll be snapping at another cat, then she'll go off to her den to cry. She finally reached her breaking point once she found out about Les Etoiles and how Bramble could've saved Mahogany. She decides she will bring back Mahogany herself and sacrifices one of Bramble's kits, Briar. After being attacked by Tuesday, it hits her what she had done and she regrets it deeply. It only got worse when Azure attacked her and almost killed her and shortly after, was put on trial and sentenced to life in prison. She spends most of her time just staring at the wall or crying, although she does occasionally speak to Les Gardes or the other prisonniers. Once she found out what happened to Mademoiselle Flurry, a large amount of her guilt went away. She still regrets killing the kit, but hurting Bramble? Not in the slightest. She would like to break out and finish the job by taking Bramble's life in exchange for Flurry's, but that's not happening anytime soon. Plus, she is unsure of whether or not Bramble will decide to execute her after all.

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