Charly (Walpurgis)



2 years, 11 months ago


General Info

Name: Charly Bywater

Race: Gargoyle

Age: 1

Gender: He/They

Height: 29"

Personality Traits: Bold / Reactive / Expressive


Charly has a tendency to be curious and driven in their exploration-- even being dogged about their curiosity. They are easy to laugh and easy to cry, and are very eager to try to do things themselves, copying the actions of those they like. They like attention and hate to be ignored.


Area of Expertise: Gargoyles of their kind are draconic fascimiles-- they were made by men, mimicking the form of dragons, in order to guard places of magic. Much like the dragons whose blood and bone they were quickened from, their magic mirrors dragons in the abilities of longevity, elemental control, and shape changing, while additionally being influenced by their artificial origins.


STATUESQUE FORM: Gargoyles can take a bestial form as part of their draconic heritage. This form is only stonelike in appearance-- meant to be a camouflage-- and is in reality both as flexible and hard as a dragon's hide.

WATER AFFINITY: Like dragons, a gargoyle has affinity with one element-- they're known to spout water or fire, for example. Charly has an affinity for water, and is especially good with frigid water. Varying from bubbles to geysers, they spit water easily. When placed in a pool of water, they can also chill it with the presence of their body, and aren't susceptible to hypothermia. Charly can't drown.

LONGEVITY: Gargoyles aren't as long lived as true dragons, but they still enjoy a prolonged lifespan of a couple hundred years. It is common for them to enter hibernation and leave their stone husks behind when they finally do die.


SUN FATIGUE: Exposure to sunlight is exhausting. Charly will frequently doze off if left in the sunlight, even lapsing into statuesque form if they're left idle enough.

BONE DRY: Gargoyles of their line thirst after blood or fear. They get stuck in statuesque form if they do not have access to either, and also lose the ability to use their elemental affinity if starved.

BABY: Charly is still a youth. Their magic is prone to fits of their emotions, and is even an expression of communication, but isn't particularly strong. They can't really hurt anyone with their water spouts, and the chill of their water cannot reach harmful temperatures.

Personal Lore

Early Life: Charly and Maline are twins born to Lana Bywater and Elon Wise. They can be found in the Bywater bath house or Elon's practice, or sometimes being baby sat by trusted individuals like Lottie. They are frequently (but not always) found together, and can be found as babies as often as they can be found as statues.

Unlike Elon's life which was isolated and bleak, and Lana's life which experienced the turmoil of moves and uncertainties, the twins' families are intent on giving them a life full of many people to depend on and a stable place to call home.