
2 years, 11 months ago


Winter The Medi-Borg Wiki
Winter - credit: BlushingBats


Winter was created exclusively for a member of a noble family who’d taken ill rapidly one year, she quickly was suited up to deal with the cold however she feels it terribly even still. Covering her wires and important parts she manages to keep her shell intact while she begins her work.

Winter made progress rather quickly, making friends with their patient also happened rather fast and the two became inseparable. However this patient still being ill they were limited in their activities but they would still try to make something work to enjoy their fun. While she hates to admit it, Winter can see their friend.. Their patient slowly going and eventually they will have to accept the fact they’ll be gone.

Name Winter
Age Late 20s
Gender Female
Orientation Straight
Occupation Caretaker
Race Medi-Borg
Height 5'5"
Build Chubby, Curvy
Worth $40 USD
  • Her sign is Capricorn.
  • Her flower is the Snowdrop.
  • Her gemstone is Diamond.
  • Her favorite element, which embodies her is Ice.
  • She has a shy and gentle demeanor.
I will do my absolute best!
Winter's Refsheet - Credits: BlushingBats
Q: A penny for your OC's thoughts?

Winter: "My thoughts?... on what?"

Q: Are you currently in a relationship? If not, are you looking for one?

Winter: "Re-relationship, I am not currently dating anyone if that's what you mean. I can't say that I am looking for one right now, I must focus on taking care of my friend I don't have time for that."

Winter's Friend/Patient: "OMG YESSS I would love to see her finally get with someone!"

Winter: *Winter blushes heavily, grabbing her plushies to hide behind*

Q: So what is your greatest achievement? And what do you hope to achieve in the future?

Winter: My greatest achievement? *Winter looks around the room, unsure of how to answer such a question* "er, I only know that what I hope to achieve is that I successfully complete the role I was given as a caretaker for my friend. I hope that she can be proud of me, and perhaps even get better then I would be able to count that as my greatest achievement. I think. Although that is the role I was given..." *Winter begins to think to herself* ~ it wouldn't count as an achievement if it's what I have to do, does it? ~

Q: What keeps you up at night?

Winter: "I am not comfortable answering that question, my deepest apologies..."

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