anya (WIP)



2 years, 11 months ago


˗ˏˋ Profile ˎˊ˗
name anya alarie-jumeau
age 21
height 168 cm
weight 53 kg
gender female (she/her)
orient. aroace
status upper class
role technician/scientist
theme ( )

designer xylemblu
profile artist xylemblu
species MIMI Series Chausie
  • designing hardware
  • cosmetics
  • white
  • social gatherings
  • combat
  • enya
design notes
  • magenta stripe through hair, hair is darker at bottom and lighter at top
  • back has a projector for her wings
  • hidden holster around her ankle
˗ˏˋ History ˎˊ˗
creation / birth

one may wonder where anya got her large, pointed ears, even though her parents were normal humans. she looks nothing like them, and her appearance and body type is still vastly different from her fraternal twin, enya.

this is because she was genetically altered within the womb by the choice of her parents, who wanted their child to be as beautiful as can be. genetic modification for the purpose of changing appearance is rising in popularity, its steep prices cementing a newborn's wealth and status as soon as they are created. with their money, they purchased the service of the company, MIMI, which specializes in animal features such as ears and tails. Series Chausie specifies the breed of cat she is altered to look like.

some scientists argue that genetic modification to the degree of adding new body parts and features should be classified as a change of species, thus labelling anya's particular species as felis homunculus.

prodigious child

anya took a liking towards the logic of cosmetics from a young age. many topics caught her attention; how did people insert permanent neon lights under their skin? how were those prosthetic arms and legs attached, and how were they created in the first place?

she was barely seven years of age by the time she was researching these questions, and had already decided she would break down the technology of augmenting appearance, and create the most technologically impressive, awe inspiring, cosmetic device the world has yet seen.

she has made multple breakthroughs on designing hardware. she was the first to create floating holographic projections that followed the body of the user accurately, as seen by the wings she currently uses.

pursuit of "white"

anya is obsessed with white.

despite seeming vain and generally disliking social interaction, her pursuit for "whiteness" is not limited to the color of clothes and ornaments.

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˗ˏˋ LINKS ˎˊ˗

Cras pulvinar mattis nunc sed. Pulvinar neque laoreet suspendisse interdum consectetur.

Nulla pellentesque dignissim enim sit amet venenatis urna. Nunc sed velit dignissim sodales ut eu sem integer.

Scelerisque varius morbi enim nunc faucibus a pellentesque.

Tellus in hac habitasse platea dictumst vestibulum rhoncus est pellentesque.

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