


2 years, 11 months ago




Aunt of King Dedede in the (mostly) matriarchal royal penguin family, Cocoba is a retired Star Warrior general who (MOSTLY) lives in peace with her family and friends! She lives farther up in Dream Land where most of the penguin family resides, however she occasionally visits her little nephew to see how his leadership and castle is!

When she was younger, Cocoba was best friends with the legendary Star Warriors Galacta Knight and Cari, meeting them during their youth and growing alongside them. She co-founded the Sun Knights along the two and fought as both a knight and general for many years before her eventual retirement, following the disappearance of her two best friends and the disassembly of the Sun Knights.


Cocoba is a hearty, lively and welcoming penguin who naturally makes others around her feel comfortable and accepted! She’s very friendly to basically anyone she meets and treats friends as family. Alongside most of her family, Cocoba has a very southern belle way to her, as she's hospitable, outgoing, and jolly. Thanks to her age, she’s very mellow and sentimental, but she rarely speaks about her past or her pain to those around her. Despite her friendliness and her relaxed nature, Cocoba is naturally a fighter at heart, and she never lets herself be walked over or pushed around by others. She is very righteousness and she strives for justice, so she isn't afraid to confront or callout others. She enjoys showing off her strength when requested, and she seems to like putting over-confident people in their place, as she's basically stronger than literally 99% of people. Being a retired general, Cocoba is very strategic and battle-smart, knowing how to lead others and win in a fight regardless of if she's prepared and at an advantage or not. She can keep her composure under high-stress situations, but she can become easily worried if the well-being of others is at stake. Cocoba mostly keeps her more painful feelings under wraps, harboring the grief, melancholy, and sorrow she feels in regards to her old friends deep inside of her. Since she is a retired knight, she struggles with trauma surrounding battles she's been in and people she’s lost. She wishes to know the fate of her closest friends, and still hopes to reunite with them, but she can only live on with their memory.

In her youth, Cocoba was much more energetic, bold, and boastful. While she was still amiable and good-humored, she was very aware and prideful of her power. She was much louder and flashier with a tendency to be abrasive to enemies and to be easily set off by others intentionally chiding her. In the present, Cocoba still has many of these traits, being very loud and boisterous when around her loved ones (more particularly when they’re drunk/having a good time), and revealing a more prideful, fierce and openly smug side of her when she fights.

Design notes

Her right eye is completely gone and her eyelid is scarred over, as it was essentially half punctured/half torn out during a battle. She’s very fluffy under her clothes (which is visible from her cheeks and the back of her arms), and she has a short stubby tail. While she doesn't wear her armor or use her ax hammer that often, she still uses it on the rare occasion.


Cocoba Kolorā
Female (she/her)
Co-Founder of Sun Knights
Mid 40's
3'5. dedede height.
Right handed
retired star warrior
Galacta Knight and Cari


  • winning
  • calamari
  • water and swimming (shes a penguin.)


  • rude and overconfident men (except for her nephew. sometimes.)
  • idk shes chill
  • just... injustice


  • fighting
  • baking and cooking
  • being everyones mom and aunt figure


Unknowingly born as a Star Warrior, as a young chick, Cocoba lived a fairly normal life alongside her family. When she was around 7-10, Cocoba met Cari and Galacta Knight (known as Aeon at the time), two strange puffs of similar age that were passing through Dream Land. The 3 quickly formed a close bond and they began exploring the galaxy together, Cocoba helping them with learning and understanding more things. She became particularly close to Cari, the two of them considering each other as the closest of friends. (Did this cause tension between her and Galacta Knight? find out in the next episode! they did solve it quickly and became equally as close though)

When the trio were around their mid-teens, they founded the Sun Knights which consisted of the 3 alongside the many friends they met on their journey. Now trained and skilled Star Warriors, the group combatted evil while also solving diplomatic issues across the galaxy, earning a well-respected and legendary status amongst many people, including those they helped. Cocoba acted as a second in command for Cari and Galacta, being a top general who strategized fights and battles alongside the others. The Sun Knights were the first known and established group of unified Star Warriors in the galaxy.

When she was around her early-mid twenties, Cocoba suffered a traumatic eye injury after an enemy's sword nearly hit her face, catching her eye and partially puncturing it/partially tearing it out. Although her closest friend was an expert healer, her eye was essentially unsalvageable and she opted to remove it. While this hindered her for a short period of time, she quickly returned to action and adapted amazingly well to her blindspot during battle.

In her late twenties, Galacta Knight was sealed away by lesser gods due to his strength. This was an obvious shock to the Sun Knights, especially for Cocoba and Cari, who were incredibly close with the knight. Cocoba obviously grieved about the disappearance of her closest friend with Cari, and the two leaned on each other for support while they searched for the Knight who seemingly disappeared into thin air. Although the loss of Galacta Knight was a shock for the Sun Knights, the group managed to stay well on its feet thanks to having 2 of it’s leaders still, alongside having Cari’s power. For the next few years things continued as usual (despite the painful and missing presence of Galacta Knight), until Cari one day decided to search for their husband once more, and never returned.

The disappearance of their healer took a major hit on the Knights and Cocoba, as they grieved. Cocoba and the others fully knew that Cari wouldn’t just abandon the people they considered family and their duties in such a way, however every subsequent search led to nowhere. Cocoba was left pained and heartbroken at the vanishment of her two closest friends, unable to find any form of closure by at least knowing what happened to them. Now lacking the power of their two former leaders, the Sun Knights lost much of their flexibility and ability to have a wide grasp across the galaxy. Cocoba and the others decided to “split” the Knights up across the galaxy, so they could try to have as much reach and access as possible to help others. Afterwards, Cocoba retired, focusing more on her family.

Only a few years later, the Sun Knights were reformed and reunited once more, this time to fight in the war against eNeMeE and his monsters. Essentially acting as the stepping stones for the new warriors, the Sun Knights were renamed as the Star Warriors, being the elite members of the Galaxy Soldier Army. Although still being retired, Cocoba returned to help train the newer soldiers, strategize fights, aid with her incredible strength in particularly hard battles, and teach the Star Warriors how to lead the army. Acting as the "mother" and voice of reason of the GSA, Sir Arthur tended to request for and follow her guidance regarding many parts of the army, thanks to her experience and older age. She also had a key role in establishing contact between the separated Sun Knights, who all returned and aided in the fight. While she didn’t fight as much as she used to, she was still considered to be in one of the highest positions in the Army, and many held great respect for her.

Despite this, the GSA still lost the war with very few surviving, including Cocoba and Meta Knight, who believed that they were the only two remaining Star Warriors left. Seeing how he was both in bad condition and literally had nowhere else to go, Cocoba led Meta Knight to Dream Land, helping him find a place to stay in her nephew's castle to start a new life. Cocoba returned home to her family and lived mostly in peace for the next few years, although still grieving the loss of her many friends, and especially the disappearance of Cari and Galacta Knight.


  • Just like her nephew, Cocoba has a thick Southern/New Orleans accent and drawl! The entire royal penguin family are all basically Louisianian ❤️
  • Stronger than almighty hell, probably too strong for a "mortal" woman. She got that Siberian winter wilderness bear wrestling and boulder throwing strength and build. Same size as Dedede and can swing him like a twig if she so wished. She will refuse to acknowledge the concept of defeat. God can't kill her, not just because she's too strong, but because they also like her too much.
  • She is a penguin… so she is a very skilled swimmer!
  • totally didn’t support Meta Knight’s Halberd building endeavours via some under the table funding by wiring royal funds with her princess privilege (because we all know Meta Knight wasn’t able to build that shit just with King Dedede paychecks)
  • The entire royal penguin family is very close, which includes Cocoba and Dedede. Even though he can be an egotistical jerk sometimes he surprisingly respects and loves her a lot. Cocoba also loves her lil nephew a lot but she tends to scold him and get on his ass for the way he rules Dream Land. Whenever they see each other Dedede tries to beat her in an arm wrestling match but he has never gotten close to even breaking a sweat out of her (meanwhile he is fighting to even survive) gg lil bro. Alongside this, Dedede and Cocoba look the most alike out of the entire family!
  • She knows how to perform surgeries/operations on herself or others due to learning medic shit for battle! don't ask how she knows she can perform on herself it wasn't easy getting quick healing after cari disappeared