


2 years, 9 months ago


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see it fall, child of woe - lend a mending hand

NAME Klytie
GENDER cis woman
AGE 20 years old
RACE satyr / faun
CLASS druid (lv. 4)

DEX 14
CON 12
INT 13
WIS 20
CHA 18


public.png A lost satyr, clearly far from home and out of her element with how she holds herself. Traveling westward has resulted in a bit of culture shock–where once Klytie was surrounded by her own kind, she now finds herself in the company of all types of people. The girl’s not the best with boundaries, or knowing what questions are appropriate, but she usually means well.

In recent weeks, she's found herself entangled in a strange inquest centered around the death of a famous explorer and an odd sword. After an encounter with the impromptu investigation team in the woods, she's joined their group along with her ranger friend, Fen. It was easy to get up to speed, as they were as new to this as she was... and it didn't take long for them to realize this went a lot deeper than a simple murder mystery.

For the sake of Fen, open with her thirst for adventure, she'd put aside her personal quest to assist in her new party's travails. Initially this was reluctant, but now that she's spent time with everyone... it's not so bad. She's never had this much company for so long.

Maybe they'd be able to help alleviate some of the stress surrounding the reason for her journey westward, too. They've already offered to help, and she's sure not going to say no... she's kind of in some deep shit, and she doesn't want to lose her new friends just yet.



Klytie does her best to be friendly. She doesn't want to see people hurt, and she believes that staying kind is the best way to go about most situations. She has her moments where she's a little crass, but she means well, promise! She has no ill intentions when she speaks to any of her party, even if she is accidentally rude at times. She's working on it... she's just a little stressed right now.

eager to please

Klytie's not one to fold instantly, but she does it pretty quickly when met with opposition. She'll state her opinion if she thinks there's a chance that she'll be listened to, but if the other person says "no," she usually doesn't try to argue her case; otherwise, that might start a confrontation! And how would she deal with that? She just has to get a good grade in being agreeable, something that is both normal to want and is possible to obtain.


Even if she's quick to panic, Klytie makes an effort to put a use to all that nervous energy in the face of big issues. She's helped her party out of several predicaments already, from impromptu rescue missions to healing afflictions and wounds. While she's not always confident in herself, it's undeniable that she's a good "fixer" for things that immediately demand her party's attention.


Social issues, however, are completely out of Klytie's wheelhouse. She'll try and try, but it usually just ends up in her feeling embarrassed and the other person utterly lost or confused. She picks her words carefully, but... unnaturally, if the person she's talking to isn't used to her mannerisms. Sometimes this is to her advantage, though! Sometimes people find her strange enough that they just go with it.


Klytie is easily stressed and often quite anxious. The girl's thoughts go a mile a minute, sometimes to the point where her mouth can't keep up. When facing a bad situation, it's not unusual for her mind to immediately go to the worst-case scenario.


write this one laterrr


  • collecting - klytie loves to collect little knickknacks. to her, they serve as mementos as she travels across the country. some hold more value than others, but she holds onto all of them equally as tight.
  • sunflowers - one of the many plants in the material plane that she finds just beautiful! sunflowers are her favorite. she's even specially preserved one to use as a spell focus.
  • mead - while other satyrs prefer just straight alcohol, klytie typically takes the honeyed option if offered to her. she enjoys mead, often with fruit added in. it makes summer all the more sweet!
  • pan flute - an instrument that reminds her of home. she hasn't played it in a while, but the sound makes her think back to her childhood. maybe one day she'll take it out again, if she can remember any songs...
  • romance - the idea of romance is like something straight from a fairytale. she loves seeing others in love, and she enjoys reading about it, too; it's even a common subject in her many daydreams. she's absolutely a hopeless romantic.


  • dancing - every time she's danced in a social setting, it's been with human companions. let's just say that hooves and feet not moving in tandem can result in the night going awry. also, she's a little shy. she's not entirely opposed to it, and if someone offered, she'd take it--she'd just have to warn them first!
  • moonshine - absolutely disgusting. like consuming liquid fire. don't you want to enjoy the process of getting drunk before actually being there? paying for this stuff feels like a waste of silver.
  • hats - not to be confused with flower crowns, which are always great. it seems most hats aren't made with horns in mind. she enjoys the concept of wearing hats, and she loves seeing hats on others, but they don't fit her! and that sucks.
  • water - specifically, bodies of water. bodies of water that are very much capable of killing you. any place larger and deeper than your average bathtub is a place that makes klytie really, really nervous. for good reason, too! not only has she almost drowned before, the feywild has bodies of water that can literally eat you. can you blame her?




Klytie is a young satyr woman with a tall, lithe figure and warm, medium-brown skin. She has short and slightly rounded auburn horns, and large, floppy ears. She has patches of fur where her ears connect to her jaw, on the bridge of her nose, and on her forearms; her entire lower half is furry as well, albeit longer and softer with deep brown cloven hooves.

Her hair is fluffy and golden-blonde in color, with long bangs that often obscure her eyes; it reaches to the top of her shoulder blades and is often adorned with various flowers, most notably the sunflower on her left side.

Klytie has heterochromia - when her eyes aren't obscured, it's easier to see that her right eye is brown while her left is a lighter amber. Her eyes often have heavy dark circles beneath them and are slightly downturned. She also has wide, rectangular pupils, much like a goat's.

She holds herself with a friendly demeanor, if not a bit withdrawn at times.


  • she's 5'9" (175cm) and 130lbs (59kg)
  • the fuzz on her face connects her ear to her jaw, but it doesn't go past her cheekbones or go onto her cheeks. like it'd be in this area-ish. if you're drawing her facing the front then not much of it will be showing!
  • she usually binds, but even when she doesn't, she's pretty flat-chested
  • the only furry parts of her are the auburn parts! forearms, ears, her legs, jaws, etc.
  • the sunflower in her hair is on her left, but i don't care if you switch it up for art-related purposes. as long as it's there, you're fine
  • you don't have to draw her with her weapon! she doesn't rely on it very much
  • she has a ring on her right ring finger, don't forget it!


image credit: x x x x x



important note

Klytie is a D&D character in a campaign where not all backstory information is divulged immediately, so everything you read here is something she's shared in-game. If something is unexplained, it's probably because Klytie herself hasn't said anything about it.

so far

redoing this blahhh


  • Klytie is an ENFP and a 2w1. Her temperament is Sanguine, though Melancholic is a close second. Out of the Big Five Personality Traits, Agreeableness was her highest score.
  • I was going to make her a Bard at some point! I decided against it, though, because I like the Druid spell list better, and they know all spells available to them.
  • Her name is pronounced KLIGH-tea
  • "Klytie" or "Clytie" is the name of an oceanid that fell in love with Apollo, and turned into a sunflower upon her rejection by him. I chose the name because I wanted a character with a sunflower motif, and because satyrs are prominent in ancient Greek mythology, I figured I'd go with a lesser-known name from the mythos.
  • Klytie has very slight heterochromia - her right eye is brown, and her left eye is amber. She also has horizontal, rectangular pupils like a goat!
  • Her Wild Shape form of choice is usually a house spider of some sort.
  • She doesn't know what peanuts are.
  • She currently has the highest Charisma out of anyone in her party, which for her purposes just means "force of personality" and not how charming or attractive she actually is, since her social skills are... not great. She's just good at being awkward and making people feel bad for her. Sometimes intentionally, sometimes not.




Fen is Klytie's travel buddy! They've been sticking together for a few months now, and Klytie finds a lot in common with her despite the stark differences in personality. She feels somewhat of an obligation to look after Fen, given her young age and kind of nonchalant behavior towards death. And, they're both in desperate need of money, so it only makes sense. Klytie just can't seem to pinpoint why exactly someone so young would risk themselves in the name of making gold. Something about her mother needing her to travel... which Klytie relates to all too well, unfortunately. It's upsetting that Fen keeps dodging her questions, but it's not like Klytie's been crystal-clear about her mission either. Maybe when she gets a free moment...?



Klytie's gotten a little more normal about Yssa as of late, but of course she still loves everything about her! Yssa's nice to her, and not reckless, and she saved her from drowning, and she does favors for her sometimes... what's not to love, really? She doesn't actually know a whole lot about her background, so she can't help but wonder... why would a tiny, sweet little thing like her leave her dads and school behind to go wander the world?



The fear that Klytie once felt around Mara has turned into... well, she’s not sure? Gratitude, she thinks, and a bit of fondness? Maybe? Don’t get her wrong—Mara’s still pretty intimidating—but at least she can speak to her now without getting as nervous. Klytie could do without the teasing, but after literally saving her life, she thinks she can forgive it for now. Mara’s certainly one of the more alluring members of the party - there’s clearly a lot to her, and Klytie can’t help but be curious! It’d be nice to get to know her better, but she will not get her hopes up too high. Only a little.



Klytie doesn't quite understand Sec. His aversion to healing magic is frustrating, but at least he seems to somehow not take fatal blows when it counts. Still, she wished she knew why - is it something with her specifically? Her magic doesn't hurt! Or is he too good for it? Surely not! Other than that, she thinks he's kind enough, if not a little obtuse and reckless at times. As long as he doesn't get himself or anyone else injured...



Eula is Klytie's mother, who she hasn't shared much about other than her name and some hints as to what she's like. The last letter Klytie received from her mother was approximately four months ago, and it was short and to the point - don't come home until you find what you're looking for. That isn't an abnormal thing for her mother to say, but still... she can't help but feel like something is off.

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