Hitomi Sapphire Celeste



2 years, 9 months ago


Hitomi Sapphire Celeste


Hitomi Sapphire Celeste
Empress of the Dragon Hill Empire
Calm, Quick Thinking, Kind, Caring, Loving, but can be Sadistic towards her enemies

 "You promised me safe audience!"

I did. But my Wolves did not and you threatened 

their Queen."


Hitomi was only 26 when she ascended the throne of the Dragon Hill Empire, a vast empire covering well over 900,000 acres of land. After her parents were killed and with no one trusting her extended family, Hitomi offered to take the throne till such time as a suitable ruler could replace her, as she much preferred the simple life of being a champion jockey in the Americas.

However none of this ever happened and she stepped into the role of ruler full time, after it was discovered that her extended family, jealous of her family's long reign were seeking to have her eliminated and as the investigation continued, it was discovered that even some on the council could no longer be trusted. 

It was around this time, that she fell into the role of Leader of the Pack after she rescued a stunning, ebony Dire Wolf whom she named Onyx. It was through him that her leadership over the Empire's animals was made solid as she was able to help settle disputes between the warring dragons, unicorns, and then some.

With her beloved stallion Koa and her beloved mare Blackstar as her mounts, Hitomi continued to further her career as a champion jockey. Banking in 2 Triple Crown wins, 4 Breeders Cup wins, 5 Dubai World Cup wins and well over a dozen G1 stakes wins, most of them done on her Arabian mare, Blackstar's back.

In her down time, Hitomi spends much of it reading, learning herbology, and exploring her empire home. She has made herself visible to her people and has touched many in smaller villages and hamlets by helping out after disasters have struck. At various points, she even opened the massive Dragon Hill Palace to survivors of such disasters until their own homes could be rebuilt, thus solidifying her leadership even more.

Ruling not with the iron fist of her uncle, but with the kindness of her mother and the understanding of her father, Hitomi seeks to, not surpass her parents in how they ruled, but to better herself in the ethics they taught her and help further those teachings and implement them in her ruling of the empire.



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Matias Celeste  [ Husband ]

Her beloved husband, whose also a royal pain in her ass but she wouldn't trade him for the world. Well. Chocolate is debatable. She might trade him for chocolate.


Freyja Enya Celeste  [ Daughter ]

Her beloved daughter. Freyja and her twin sister Aya were born shortly after Hitomi and Matias were married. Aya however, suffers from an aversion to having her photo taken but she is a spitting image of her twin, Freyja. 


Blackstar  [ Mount ]

Her beloved mount who has seen her through many hardships throughout her life. Hitomi treasures her and her mount's bond which some claim is unbreakable.

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