Briar Rose



2 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info


Father "Lincoln", Mother "Lily"




Eel (current)


Homoflexible/Likes Men


Demiboy (he/him primary, they/them OK), Trans

Fun Fact

He has thorns on his arms, shoulders, legs, and ears-- they're clippable


Briar is from an original universe I created of mutants and hybrid people, each with their own abilities and powers. Briar is classified as a hybrid, his DNA intertwined with briar roses, the flower. His father is a Lincoln Rose, and mother is a Lily. Briar's biology means that he has some different needs, and his body reacts differently to things, such as alcohol, which dries him out and has a stronger effect than it would on another person. He also needs daily sun, or else he becomes depressed, and in prolonged darkness, he would eventually become sick. This has never happened, but it's a known possibility. Briar also grows thorns on his body, which he can clip, but they grow back much like hair. The thorns are sharp, and he's cut many people on them by accident, especially Eel. Briar can also grow flowers and vines, sometimes of great size. They're detachable as well, and Briar can grow back bits of skin and bone because of it, but it still hurts and is preferably avoided, especially with the circumstance of not knowing the limits of how much he can regrow. In addition, being a plant-type hybrid means that Briar (and his species) are typically only capable of reproducing with other plant-types, but on rare occasions there's an outlier.

Briar is on a team with two girls, also hybrids. Skunk, a skunk hybrid, and Hunny, a butterfly hybrid. Their motif is being naturistic, and the three are good friends.

They're very friendly and nice, and sometimes snarky and airheaded. Briar is very emotive, and often jokes about being the perfect partner for Eel, who's less social, and unemotive. Briar is also acquaintances with Che, but does not like Theo because of how he treats Eel. They do not have an involved role in the overarching story, but is more of a support and companion, sometimes needing more protection than they can offer help, in dangerous situations.