Erik Harvard



2 years, 10 months ago


Erik Harvard

He/Him Cis Male

June 8th







The Crags/Hammerhome



Erik is the second son of House Harvard, a young banner house of the Crags who lord over the King's Goblet and Hammerhome. Despite being a family known for silver tongues Erik was born without strength or wit but instead creativity, an artist and tailor at heart who had dreams of pursing his passions as a boy but quickly learned that such pursuits were not the way of a Cragsman. Erik is the black sheep of the family and had been sheltered from the expectations of Crags culture by his mother and elder brother, allowing the young boy to grow up unscathed by the regions brutality and instead budding into a sweet if not naive young man.

He is loved only by his mother, brother and the few friends he's made from his chidlhood but suffers a poor reputation by the standards of his people, being known as the soft handed boy of the Harvards who'd never worked a day in his life. Despite being a lord Erik is not free from ridicule by his peers, in fact it is almost encouraged as his father deems it HIS problem to deal with which, because of this Erik was bullied and harrased by the cities boys which caused Erik to further withdraw into himself and lose whatever confidence he had to show his face.Erik suffers a great deal of anxiety living in his supposed wonder of a city, knowing that if anyone were to know of his passions or even his romantic preferences-...well, the Crags have never been known for mercy.

Disinterested in his family trade he was still expected to contribute and though his heart wanted something else Erik instead chose to manage the Harvards prized buisness, the villas of the Kings Goblet. Here Erik lives in an almost eutopia of beautiful lake sights and hikes, managing visiting lords and rich folk and being able to be himself without the pressures of Cragsmen culture. Erik lacks the strength to chase the things he wants and often bends for the needs of others, believing in serving his family is the only way to win their approval or prove is worth as their son, perhaps even as a person.

Erik is a loyal and loving friend to those he holds close, a harmless puppy who is desperate to be loved and form close connections where he feels safe in, a rarity when you live in the Crags. He would do anything to protect those he cares for and hopes to make himself worthy of them someday...


Strength 0

Inteligence 1

Dexterity 2

Wisdom -2

Constitution 1

Charisma 2


  • Artestry
  • Fashion
  • Personal time
  • Teasing/Pranks
  • Making friendships


  • Church
  • Pandora i.e bullies/vicious people
  • Beastials (fear)
  • Fire(bigger fear)


Artist's Hands

-Has a high knowledge on art techiniques/materials and is able to craft beautifully in various mediums both traditionally and fashion. Can draw about most things will great detail.

-Hyperfixates on his work, prone to tuning out the rest of the world and can be easily distarcted when in 'work mode'. Forgets to feed and sleep, needs someone to stop him if he doesnt drop from exhuastion himself.



Erik was born as the third child of the Harvard family, coming after the stillborn death of the sister he'd never know, Astrid. The loss hit his family heavily, less so with his father, and thus was more sheltered and nutured by his brother, Rikter, and his mother, Katarina, both of which were hiding the families dark secret; magic. Katarina, being of Infernal blood, passed on her families fire magic to Rikter and taught him to both control and fear its power. Now with a second son both Katarina and Rikter watched Erik with close eyes to catch if he had been cursed to, but the young boy so far has shown himself to be an ordinary child who was budding to be so bright and innocent. Saddend by the reality that their region would break him Kat and Rik shelered Erik from the harshness of their region and allowed him to grow up without the pressures expected of a noble Cragsman, cherishing his ability to stay kind even at the damnation of their city.

Erik quickly showed that he was not as strong or as confident as his more impressive older brother. he struggled with many feelings of inadequecy living his brothers shadow, but avoided letting the feelings fester as the young Rikter showered his little brother with love and was a constant support in his life. Erik loves his brotherly dearly and looked up to him as a comforting source, often it would be Rikter to shield or pick up the broken pieces that Trodin left Erik in during times where he 'dissapointed'. His worse enemies were the boys of the city, children who did not approve of the soft handed boy that claimed to rule over them and constantly terrorising him when spotted. When looking for aid from his parents he was dismissed, told that as a Cragsman, a NOBLE one at that, he was expected to fight his own battles and thus left him to the wolves which Erik quickly learned to run away from. Knowing he did not have his peoples respect gretatly damaged Eriks confidence and began his spiral of anxiety being left to their mercy.

Because of this Erik often felt lonley, only having his brother as a friend was busy being raised to rule their house one day, an impending future Erik knew would eventually haunt him. Erik often lived in Rikter's shadow, the lesser of two brothers who had far more approval then Erik could ever dream of. Though Rik loved him and tried his hardest to be good to him Erik couldn't help but feel like his lesser, though their brotherly bond did good to mask any jealousy he could have grown, instead becoming a insecure and anxious boy unwilling to cause trouble. While alone Erik discovered his interests laid somewhere else, he may not be strong or silver tongued, but he was imaginative! Erik spent many days drawing in his books and even on the walls, imagining lives where he was greater then he truely was and drawing pictures of things he wished to see. Over time Erik realised how much he LOVED to draw but was swiftly shown by his father, Tordin, that such pursuits were not appropriate for HIS son and promplty destroyed his painting after giving his a harsh scolding. Devestated Erik turned to secrecy and continued his passion for art under private tutilage his brother secured him and endless hours spent practicing his craft, desperate to hold onto something that brought him happiness under the support of Rikter and his mother.


Tordin was quick to put his boys to metal, involving them in the Crags signiture craft- Forging. Erik thought he might enjoy this path, it was sort of like being an artits except your tools were fire and metal. Eager to impress his father Erik forced himself to attend classes and apply himself as much as he could, but the forge just did not call him the same way. Erik struggled in forging and sword combat while his brother flourished as was expected of the Harvard heir, it was here that Erik began to see the differences between them, the giant mountain Rikter looked recieved praise from. In the eyes of their people and their father, Rikter was the perfect Cragsman, even their mother seemed to favour him with thier whispers and close bond. It was then that he realised the dark shadow he was living in, one he could never hope to step out of, so he didn't.

Erik wante to hate his brother and felt the claws of jealously so close to his heart, but the love and support the elder gave him chase such feelings away. It was not his fault how he had turned out, nor his choice to be the favoured son, all Erik could do was live in objective inadequacy, trying to find HIS own way. When smithing and trade proved not his strong suit Erik turned his eyes to the family Villa, a buisness Rik had no interest in which Erik took too eagerly, applying himself to management and to socialise with thier rich clientell, learning to please and live to everyones desire as his mother instructed.

Finally Erik something he could contribute to the house, thinking that managing such an exclusive club would earn his families approval, though such a thing proved fruitless. Still, Erik found some peace in the Kings Goblet, a peaceful home away from home and the brutality of his region where he continued to draw and eventually made his first two life long friends.The first being Penelope Martivin, the daughter of their High Lord who quickly became of his most dearest friends, finally having someone his age to play and share dreams with, in her company Erik felt at ease to be himself and like he was truely valued for being the silly little goof that he was. With Penny he learned that he longed to be a tailor, having seen her in dresses she hated to wear and being inspired to make something she'd like. Seeing the joy in her eyes made the process so worth it and again heapplied himself in secret to learn the tailoring arts.

Next came a visiting lordling from the Isles, Charles De Lecresse from Qrone whose father was friends with his own who had sent him to their Villa to heal from family stress. Erik was tasked with caring for Charles all by himself which erik was too eager to prove he could do, at the cost of annoying the already frazzled boy. It took some time for the pair to understand each other, sharing their pains and feelings of inadequecy with each other and deciding to become friends. Erik is always surprised by Charles and how...none Cragsman he is, he doesn't think he's weak or pathetic and he LOVES how creative he is and encourages his passions and always supporting the version of him that is genuine.

Life was not perfect but with his two best friends by his side and his brother looking out for was liveable and Erik intended to keep living it the best he could. Until a storm came to Hammerhome, one of fire and blood. Erik had ignored Tordin's delusions of fire for months but when he had called Clerics to come purge their city of beastials, thats when the horror of it all truley sank in. In those twilight hours he watched so many lives be burned alive, barely a boy older then 11 made to endure such a sight. After that his anxiety and insecurities seemed to burn more hotly and his aversion to Beastials grew tenfold, his guilt for watching what happened being controlled by simply ignoring the implications, but treating beastials as nothing but beasts of burden. It couldn't hurt as bad if they were never people to begin with.

Time went on and the event still eft its scars, but with his friends to soften the blow Erik was able to repress the feeligns and grew into a young man with new worries. Marriage. Erik was used to the gentle prodding and teasing over him and Penny, the nudges his mother would make and the questions he got about their relationship. Erik loved Penny to death, but was there something more then that? He didn't think so, still, he tried to force the feelings, pursue her with the thought in mind but he came to realise his feelings for her were familial, that she was like the sister he never had.

Erik was stumped for why he couldn't feel for Penny like everyone expected but the answers soon came to him when Charles next came to visit he Erik couldn't help but think how cute and pretty he was, how he made his chest flutter when he smiled at him and his face burned when their faces wre so close together- Erik made the horrifying realisation that he had a CRUSH on Charles, and he was filled with a rush of delight and fear at the same time....He couldn't know, he couldn't let this get out. To be a weakling in the Crags was one thing, to be a man who liked other men? It would be a death wish. Erik only told Rik and Penny upon her confession, all his anxieties and fears pouring out to his most trusted allies but Charles....he couldn't tell him, he could only pine from afar and cherish their friendship as it was, he couldn't risk loosing that.


Coming in adulthood Erik was able to fully maage the Villa's on his own and continued to enjoy his friendships as they were, only quietly agonising to hismelf the misforutne he had for his preference, but he could ignore that. For now he just needed to work and provide to the family, continue his passions is secret and just stay out of everyones way.

Current time

Erik comes to the Capital for the Solstice Ball. Meets new people and experiences new things, he feels more free without the constraints of his region weighing on him. Its not all great as he is forced to endure a new sister in law, beastial purges, Pennys engagement and even watching his best friend now lover be imprisoned. The worst of it all was being personally punished by both Rikter and Lord Martivin, shaking Erik and his world views and making him loose all passion and joys he once had, vowing to be what his family wants and do away with his weakness that has brought him so much grief


  • Erik is skilled in charcoal sketching and oil paints as well as hand tailoring fine materials. All of which are expensive which he hides the purchases of under Villa expenses
  • Erik has a small pack of dogs back home which he has raised since a boy. All are meant for hunting which he lends to Rikter to use, but they are loyal to him. Theres Digger and Archibald, two blood hounds. Shepherd a Irish Wolfhound, an old hunting dog he rescued and nurded back to health when her old owner didnt want her anymore, she mostly works as a guard dog now. Finally is Flicker, his most loyal and life long best friend, a larger then normal Mountain Cur who might have great Dane blood in him.
  • Erik is aversed to both fire and beastials
  • He has sword and blacksmithing training which he has long forgotten but is now interested in picking back up again so he doesn't feel weak.
  • He's picked up a love for flowers and their meaning because of Charles.

RP Tracker

  • The winter Solstice ball is around the corner and all Nobles from across the land are invited. Erik is excited to get away from the Goblet to see somewhere new. He's even more happy that he's two friends will be in one spot, NEXT DOOR even and is nervoulsy excited to meet new people.
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  • Aliquam vulputate lacus consequat, volutpat ex ut, blandit lacus. Sed egestas risus ut gravida blandit.
  • In vitae nisi eu mi suscipit semper in eget justo.
  • Sed feugiat dictum posuere. Suspendisse et accumsan leo. Phasellus mollis placerat libero, non euismod diam sodales eget.


Rikter Harvard [ Brothers ]

Erik once loved and admired Rikter above everything else, unable to see the flaws in one of the only people who has loved him from the start. Deep down he still loves his brother and wishes he could have spared him from the burdens of his role, however after seeing the hate and rage in his eyes directed at him and hearing the murders he's commited FOR him, Erik finds it hard to accept his brother for who he is, let alone forgive him.


Erik considers her the best parent of the pair which does not amount to much as he felt a lack of emotional and physical support from her since he was a boy. He still loves her as being the only parent who accepted him for who he was, but her way of parenting has finally made him snap and turn his shoulder to her

Tordin Harvard [ Father ]

They have never gotten along and they never will, they are simply too different to ever find common ground and Tordin too selfish and up himself to ever accept and love Erik for who he is. Erik has learned to stay out of his way and expect nothing from him.

Charles De Lecresse [ Lover/Best Friend ]

Erik adores and loves Charles so deeply that it hurts being seperated from him, now more then ever knowing he may never hear or see him again. Erik holds onto his loyalt to Charles deep in his heart and beleives he will always love him no matter what comes. He had done so much to bring Eriks true self out and he cannot imagine a life without him ever being bright again.

Penelope Martivin [ Best Friend ]

Erik cherishes the friendship they share and considers her practically his sister and platonic soul mate, her pressence is like a warm sunny day and he holds onto that feeling as tight as he can. He feels helpless to the new life she's steppign into and deeply grieves the idea of potentially loosing her to her new husbadns family, but he is determined to show her support and stay in each others life despite it.

Antoinette Dordington [ Close Friend ]

Their friendship hasn't been for long but Erik quickly found himself fond and loving Anne for her bubbliness and for so easily accepting him as he is, being overjoyed to share his passion for art with someone. He hopes she will take cared despite her woes and put his paints to good use. He is beyond thankful for her help in his endevours and that she is willing to support him if need be.

Pandora Jade Martivin [ Sister in Law ]

He detests her and regrets making any attempt of trying to speak to her. He's disliked her from the moment they met and has never shown any signs of growth or kindness since. He hates how she treats Penny and his brother and worse yet hates that she ratted him out to her father just to feel good about herself. He is content to never speak to her again.

Orchid [ Servant ]

She's mean and has too much attitude for a servant, but she is honest and straight forward which Erik oddly finds relieving in his house of lies and betrayal. He is no fan of beastials but he considers this one to be okay. He feels the same for Pine and his family

Ambrose [ Dislikes? ]

Erik had always heard of Ambrose from Charles, thinking the man to be a wonderful friend of Charles who he'd been envious of once, but now he is left confused as to how a HORSE could end up his lovers best friend from home. After speaking to him Erik finds he strongly dislikes the horse and thinks him not good enough for his frind, though in the end he does not care for him one way or another.

Lawrence De Lecresse [ Lovers Brother ]

Erik has been warned by Charles to stay away from Lawrence and not trust him, though he can't see why beyond him being....a bit much, but he trusts Charles judgment and keeps a healthy distance between them.

Argus Atlibero [ The one who got away ]

HIS NAME WAS WILLIAM BILL GATES. Although nothing happened between them Argus, or Will, was perhaps Eriks first crush after Charles. Well, crush is a strong word but Erik certainly felt flustered by the man and was excited to further socialise with him and was DEVESTATED when he was ultimately stood up