Profile From Wicked



6 years, 10 months ago


Amasis Mera

Loyal • Protective • Cunning
Basic Info
Name[Mera, Amasis]
Birthday[November 3rd]
Relationship Status[Single]

Color Palette
Hair#FCFEFB; #5E78B5
Pants#6E4A88; #28053F

Summoning & Control


Due to his loyal and nurturing personality to those he cares about, Amasis is almost immediately accepted by everyone he comes across. To those who know him, Amasis is considered the "mom" of their lives. Loyal, with a nurturing air around him, he is immediately accepted by any who meet him despite his questionable heritage. Amasis is a cautious young man and can be too much of a worrywart. He isn't a fan of taking risks and would prefer to think things through before running headfirst into a situation. Having the motherly personality that he does, he is extremely protective over those he cares for. While logical and compassionate, he will not hesitate to put others in harm's way or use manipulative tactics in order to protect his loved ones. When it comes to his best friend, he would destroy the heavens to keep him safe. As much as he cares for Unmei, the younger prince wears him down tirelessly. Amasis puts it on himself to be responsible for him and reign him in when his friend is being far more reckless than usual. He often gives Unmei the silent treatment whenever they get into trouble or placed in a dangerous situation. Knowing his friend's sexual ambiguity and how much he likes to joke around, he often stoically puts down the rumors Unmei starts about them being lovers. Alternatively, he gets worked up vehemently begging his friend to stop calling him "my desert rose."


Sed condimentum mauris non imperdiet lacinia. Donec venenatis risus eros, eget viverra lacus fringilla commodo. Praesent dapibus est vel risus tempor ultrices. Nullam vulputate congue libero at suscipit. Etiam nisl metus, tempor egestas metus eu, ultricies iaculis diam. Sed facilisis ac leo a auctor. Quisque aliquet nec ante eu vestibulum. Curabitur sapien dolor, volutpat eu sollicitudin nec, consequat a eros.

Vivamus accumsan tristique arcu. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Praesent convallis justo orci, vitae facilisis massa semper sit amet. Nunc placerat accumsan orci, eget vehicula arcu accumsan ac. Suspendisse dignissim nisl nec imperdiet scelerisque. Morbi nec laoreet arcu. Cras condimentum lobortis ligula, sit amet gravida purus elementum ut.

  • Naps
  • Embarrassing Amasis
  • Sweets
  • Birds
  • Spicy foods
  • Being treated like a prince
  • His father
  • Cats
  • As the son of the "Conquering King," King Masir, Unmei is expected to excel in every aspect of combat. He is expected to have an extensive level of knowledge on warfare that if the time called for it, he would need to strategize and lead his father's army into battle. Unmei is skilled in hand-to-hand combat and swordsmanship. However, to his father's dismay, Unmei's fighting skills pale in comparison to Prince Amasis. Unmei weilds a Khopesh as well as Dual Sais.
  • Unmei's magical abilities are considered lackluster due to him not taking his lessons seriously. Because of his unwillingness to study as a child, he only has the affinity for fire and earth. His offensive and defensive magical abilities are also weak.
  • While Unmei's magic is nowhere near impressive, he does have the uncanny ability to govern full control of the fire and earth beasts that he summons.
Amasis Mera | Best Friend

Unmei's best friend since childhood. The two princes are more like brothers than anything else. Amasis is the voice of reason Unmei hardly ever listens to. Unmei is constantly getting them into some sort of trouble. He relies on Amasis to get them out of it. Amasis is more or less the reason why Unmei is still alive.

Aurora Selínis | Ally

An oracle and princess, Aurora gives aid to Unmei and Amasis. Aurora and Unmei often butt heads due to having energetic and dominant personalities. Both scions tend to grow jealous over each other and fight over Amasis' attention.