Touri Nagahara



2 years, 11 months ago



Name Touri Nagahara (長原 冬凜)
Title Blooming in Rime
Vision Cryo
Gender Male
Weapon Sword
Birthday December 28
Constellation Prunus Antinous
Affiliation Akatsuki Theatre Troupe

A widely renowned kabuki actor from Inazuma who works under a prestigious troupe. Known for his authentic performances, he displays a wholly different demeanor outside of work.


  • Amazake
  • Tranquility
  • Hard work
  • The countryside


  • Homesickness
  • Small spaces
  • Crowds
  • Fraudulence


Touri hails from the countryside of Inazuma in a village known for its rice farming. From a young age, he’s referred to as the beauty of his village, and his parents sought to find ways for him to find a career further from the countryside. Despite this, Touri is known to be a very diligent farmer, working from dawn to dusk at a young age, continuously reporting his family’s earnings, and defending the village from any intruders. It was until one day; a composer from his future theatre troupe passed by the village and spotted Touri delicately drawing water from a well. Seeing him as a potential actor that could break into the industry, the composer discussed with Touri and his parents for an opportunity in the city. Not refusing this offer, Touri’s parents immediately packed his belongings, despite his protests. “It’s for your own good, Touri.” They would say. In the city, Touri quickly became known as the most exciting new actor within the troupe. He observed his masters’ performances well, showing appreciation for the arts and their craft while studying hard to not fail his parents’ ambitions. Secretly, Touri wished to work hard, so he could finally pay off his contractor and return to the countryside, for he yearns to see crystal clear ponds and the sounds of nature once again.


Touri is a very diligent and mysterious individual. Though not born in Inazuma City, he adapts well for his work and trains rigorously in order to fulfill his parents’ wishes. His performances show his work ethic and quick-learning skills, thus earning praise from many. In his perspective, he is his parents’ son first before anything else. Others that know him may ask if he feels burdened from his responsibilities, but Touri would always brush their comments off, preferring not to dwell on his and his parents’ decisions. Outside his job however, he prefers to let loose from his professional appearance by dressing messily and smoking, causing him to look ghastly and unrecognizable to strangers.

Those who are friends with Touri know he’s a very patient individual, though he may be out of touch while socializing within the city every now and then. As someone who’s lived in the village, he seemingly never looks like he’s in a rush, taking his time to fully hear out every person. People who are acquainted with Touri always mention how he proposes good advice whenever someone needs to vent their problems to him and the fact that he’s always ready to lend a hand to his friends. He is also prone to being vulnerable to pranks from others, specifically Thoma, Natsume, and Yoimiya, due to his surprisingly gullible nature. Touri, however, tends to distance himself from crowds because of his claustrophobia, making him seem unapproachable at first glance.

In his personal time, Touri enjoys immersing in nature through walks in the woods and reading in the Yae Publishing House. The scent of the river streaming through forests and plains brings him more joy and relaxation than anything offered in the city. He’s very knowledgeable about various flora and fauna as well, allowing him to efficiently use them for its unique benefits like cooking and medicine. Touri is also a big fan of the Yae Publishing House where his interest in stories stemmed from his interest in local folk tales. After joining his theatre troupe, reading stories has become both beneficial to his work and an expansion into his hobby. Like many people, he’s also an avid reader of A Legend of Sword.

If there’s one thing Touri does not tolerate, it will always be dishonesty. To him, it’s unnecessary and a hassle to deal with when someone lies. Preferring to keep things simple, Touri would outright express disdain to those who have wronged him which is how he’s able to maintain the appearance of someone not to be trifled with. Unbeknownst to many, Touri harbors a great amount of homesickness and mixed feelings towards his family. He’s very devoted to his village due to his upbringing and love for his small community, but ever since his parents had coerced him into his current position, he has had a hard time coming to terms regarding his relationship with his family. He doesn’t despise Inazuma City, as he does care for those he met in the city, but it would never replace the countryside in his heart.


On the day when Touri was to leave his village, he continued his duties in the village as if the day was no different. He woke before the sunrise to tend the farm, observed the river’s trailing water to the farm’s well, and documented his family’s expenses. While he worked, he pondered over his parents’ decision. Was he supposed to express gratitude? Or is he allowed to show resentment for their actions? Touri was unable to answer that question himself. As the young boy was being taken away on a boat to the city, he longingly glances at the rice paddies he once tended to and plucked a lone seedling. Tucking it into his katana’s scabbard, he felt the divine presence of a vision manifesting next to it. For the first time, Touri felt cold and lonely, even within a familiar gathering.



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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.


Character  [ relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.

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