Johnathan Timothy Cates



2 years, 10 months ago


  • Johnathan Timothy Cates

  • age 33
  • gender Male
  • race White/Human
  • role The Association Director
  • theme

Loyal • Honest • Semper Fidelius


John is a very complicatd person. It entirely depends on the person and the situation as to how he presents himself. Due to this, it's not all that rare to have conflicting opinions of the man, depending on the person and the situation he was involved in.

John is a very difficult man to read, simply because he is so complex. To those closest to him, he is a very open, honest and loyal. He tends to wear his heart on his sleeve, his features and body language tend to be very expressive and it's not difficult to tell what he's thinking for the most part. On the other hand, when he's working, the man is far less expressive. He tends to come across as cold, logical and emotionless. He tends to rely on killer instinct, Military training and natural skill to efficiently complete the cases he takes.

“I do not go behind people's backs and torture them. I like my enemies to look me in the eye and see the depth of my rage.”

height 5'10

build Athletic

pronouns He/Him

s.o. Bisexual, heavy male lean

dob July 19, 1988

sign Virgo

origin Creole

occupation The Association Director

mbti ENTJ

demeanor Cold, Logical but kind and gentle

tarot The Emperor

element Earth


  • His Husbands
  • Family
  • The Military
  • Guns
  • Strategy games
  • Alcohol
  • Hunting


  • Seeing people Hurt
  • Seeing people in pain
  • Insults toward the country
  • Rogue creatures

Once upon the Big Easy

Johnathan Timothy Cates is a former marine turned Mercenary, who shortly thereafter turned hunter. His military career is extensive, having joined the Marines straight out of high school and sticking with it for most of his adult life. He made it to Staff Sergeant before his career ended with an honorable discharge due to severe mental health issues. After his time in the military, John found himself unable to leave the life behind and went underground, so to speak, becoming a mercenary for hire after he watched the man that he was in love with at the time die at the hands of another.

On the Job

It was during a job that he was introduced to Supernatural. The hit that he was meant to perform turned out to be a vampire, the leader of a nest no less and though John managed to kill the thing after removing it's head, when he saw that the nest had been taking civilians and basically using them as human blood bags, he disappeared once again in order to begin hunting the creatures that threatened the country that he had worked so hard to protect for so long and has been hunting ever since, moving from town to another, one state after the other, fighting as many demons and creatures as he can take down in order to help the cause.


After the first incident in which Sam Winchester had to call all hunters in to assist in killing Lucifer, he signed up with The Association and has worked for Amaya ever since. Alongside working with the woman, he wound up meeting her brother in law, albeit by complete accident, at a club that he was meant to meet the woman at. They got to talking and he came to realize that he liked the man. It wasn't long before he found himself stopping by the club after work, talking to the man and watching him dance. He was smitten but found himself backing off when he admitted that he wasn't ready for another relationship.

Change is good.

John waited, still coming to the club occasionally before he was finally given the chance to sweep Marki off his feet. The man did, in true fashion but wound up wrapped around his little finger as well. He fell hard and fast for Marki, sharing everything with the man, including the fact that he had been a Mercenary prior and why he had left that life. Their life would not be all rainbows and roses, however. They had a lot to deal with, especially after Marki was taken, the resulting injuries causing John to become far more protective. This did not stop him, however from proposing to the man.

The more the merrier

It wasn't long after they got engaged that a blast from John's past came knocking so to speak. While waiting for Marki to get off work at the club that he worked at one day, he found himself face to face with Dimitri Ivanov. The two had been together after he got out of the army and it was losing the man that had caused him to go off the deepend in the first place. Seeing him again, for a brief moment he was torn but quickly recovered when he had realized that he simply could not bring himself to hurt Marki. Little did the man know that later on, the two would actually start to hang out and eventually become friends. The more the trio hung out together, the more they realized that there was something more between all three of them and eventually agreed to bringing Dimitri into their relationship.


Marius 'Marki' Baxter

[ Fiancee ] The love of John's life and most likely the only man that can calm him down faster than even Dimitiri can. The soft boi balances out John's rough exterior and somehow manages to get the man to open up even on the worst of days.


Dimitri 'Di' Ivanov

[ Boyfriend ] Former lover that was killed by a Primordial and then brought back, unbeknownst to John, Di was and is the man's first male experience and admittedly the first love of his life. Despite the fact that Di was a vampire, the male hunter worked with him for quite some time, even getting to know Di's adopted son, Owen. After Di's death and Owen's mysterious disappearance the man spent a year off the rails, eventually finding both of them again later in life.


Amaya Melissa Baxter

[ Friends and Co-workers ] Amaya and John go back years, since the man joined the Association and has been a big part of her life for quite some time. Though nothing physical ever happened between them, they have had moments before each met their significant others. Many times, the two have been mistaken for more than just friends, even using it to their advantage on occasion when hunting however they never actually did anything, both seeing the other as an older/younger sibling.

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