Annabella Ferrer



6 years, 9 months ago


Name Annabella Ferrer
Age 20
Birthday 10/10
Gender female
Height 5'6"
Ethnicity Filipino-Canadian
Sexuality bisexual
Occupation Programmer
Pinterest []
Playlist []
Likes & Dislikes
  • Mechanical Keyboards
  • 24-70mm f/2.8 lenses
  • True crime, drama youtubers, & horror rpgermaker games
  • Calico Critters
  • Windy weather
  • Ne'er-do-wells
  • Sour candy
  • People who whine

Publicly, Annabella is a very polite and talented young woman, with aspirations to become something great. Behind closed doors, however, she is a greasy forum user with a penchant for the macabre. Growing up terminally-online, she developed a sort of addiction to some of the internet’s grubbiest and grimiest forums, seeking out anything and everything within the realms of ‘gross internet content’. An artist at heart, it got her mind running with ideas for short horror stories, comics, and other creative media, and provided her an escape from the overbearing expectations of her family.

Annabella tends to fixate on people, mainly those she sees as an easy target. Her passtimes include making elaborate digital pinboards connecting her fascination's online profiles to one another, and documenting their posts. She takes a sort of sick pleasure in knowing that no matter what she does, people will believe her, as she presents herself as the perfect, gifted child. Her actions are fun and exciting to her, as it’s like living out her own plot from the stories and videos she witnessed online. She believes that since she was so put upon in her formative years, struggling with bullying and constantly having to switch schools, it is her right to take that out on whoever she chooses. Her actions make her feel powerful, and in control of her own life, instead of being thrown around the tides of fate. She has no real end-goal, aside from making people online miserable for her own entertainment, though she insists she's doing it to provide some sort of karmatic justice to people she feels have wronged her in some way, shape, or form. She's prone to seeking out ways to feel justified in her actions, whether that be petty online arguments, or having proof of actions they've committed being 'detestable' to her.

Morbi diam enim, vestibulum vel ullamcorper dapibus, ultrices eu nibh. Donec facilisis velit a quam feugiat, quis faucibus est dapibus. Morbi at euismod dui, a commodo sapien. Suspendisse potenti. Duis dapibus metus quis venenatis hendrerit. Donec turpis augue, feugiat quis neque et, venenatis porttitor quam. Nam accumsan lobortis tincidunt. Sed felis dui, condimentum non luctus ac, tristique non nisi.


One of Annabella's main subjects of ire, Daniel found his spot on her list by being an argumentative asshole in highschool. His frequent outbursts with the people he called his 'friends' made her grow to hate him, finding its breaking point after a distructive argument that ended their friendship. His cruelty to her pushed her towards taking justice into her own hands.

Arthur Evans [ Love Interest ]

A childhood friend and long-standing crush. Though Annabella has watched him from a distance recently, she firmly believes he is meant to be her partner, and just hasn't clued into it yet.

??? [ ??? ]
