Sea - Shoal (Adopted Kiddos)



Shoal's Adopted Kiddos

Here you will find all of the Kits Shoal has come across and adopted or cared for.


Russle 1655132?1519503728

Relation: Adopted Son

Status: Very close.

Location: Lives with her.

Write a short little description of the character.


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Gold 2557236?

Relation: Caretaker

Status: Close.

Location: Roams around.

Write a short little description of the character.


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Character Name ingrid200_by_lowkeywicked-dbemi22.png

Relation: Open/Close

Status: friends, lovers, enemies, etc

Location: romance, adventure, drama, etc

Write a short little description of the character.


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Character Name ingrid200_by_lowkeywicked-dbemi22.png

Relation: Open/Close

Status: friends, lovers, enemies, etc

Location: romance, adventure, drama, etc

Write a short little description of the character.


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Character Name ingrid200_by_lowkeywicked-dbemi22.png

Relation: Open/Close

Status: friends, lovers, enemies, etc

Location: romance, adventure, drama, etc

Write a short little description of the character.


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Character Name ingrid200_by_lowkeywicked-dbemi22.png

Relation: Open/Close

Status: friends, lovers, enemies, etc

Location: romance, adventure, drama, etc

Write a short little description of the character.


  • Write any important notes you think others should know here
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