
6 years, 10 months ago




Name Sage White
Age 17
Gender Male
Birthday May 20th
Build Lightly toned
Ethnicity Human / Caucasian
RP status Taken / Open for RP
Theme Elephants - them crooked vultures

Designed by nanashi__sen. Profile CSS by Wicked



Sage is a loud, moody and pushy kind of guy who loves his music just as loud as he is. He tends to hang around with the worst kind of people, purely judging them on their outward appearances. If you have the look down and can talk good smack, your in the good books with him. However in saying this, Sage isn't dimwitted and unlike what his school grades say, he is on the ball with basically everything going on around him. He likes to make an scene wherever he goes and his fashion very much reflects that. He constantly dyes his hair different colours to keep fresh, so far green has been his favorite. Despite his loud personality, Sage is very wary of other peoples option of himself and can be a cry-baby when he's overwhelmed. Varick is his only friend he will be 100% real with.


  • Savory food
  • New experiences
  • Live concerts
  • Night-scape views
  • Earnest people
  • Snobby people
  • Peanut butter
  • Humid weather
  • Know-it-all people
  • Pajamas
  • Smoking / drinking / weed
  • Moody and rude
  • Touchy
  • Skips school regularly
  • Caring, he just sucks at it


  • Q: What was Sage's first tattoo? A: The snake on his left arm.
  • Q: Does Sage have any siblings? A: One older sister who away out when he was 3.
  • Q: Who is Sage's favorite band?: A: The Ramones
  • Q: Who is Sage's arch rival of his High school years? A: Jade



Growing up in a very passive environment, Sage quickly learned that being rebellious was one of the best ways to get attention. He grew up with a loving but very concerning family who easily dismissed the younger boy when his older sister took the spotlight and moved from home at a young age. Years of insufficient respect and interest turned Sage in the direction of loud music, rebellious fashion and narcotics. By the age of 15, Sage had come to the point where he no longer wanted his parents, or anyone elses, attention and began following his own path. He spends the least amount of time at his home, where he is only ever greeted with arguments and nasty comments from his parents. In hope to set their son right, Sage's parents packaged up and moved states.



During Sage's first day a boy by the name of Varick was assigned to Sage to help him about his new school. If not for this moment, Sage wouldn't have bothered to reach out to anyone, knowing that the other's around him were looking at him with repugnance. Sage made short work of getting to know the other teen, the same day asking Varick question after question, something Sage did purely to be annoying figuring that Varick, and his gentle personality, would be completely against being near him. To Sage's surprise, and maybe a little to his liking, the other teen was an earnest person who took Sage as he was.

A few weeks have passed and somehow the two still meet regularly at school for classes and lunch. Due to Varick's presence, Sage even attends school more regularly than he ever has. At home, Sage still tries his best to avoid being there too long and often stays out late with friends, going to concerts or loitering about, only going home to shower and crash.


Sage and Varick continue to get to know each other, learning quirks and each other's history. Sage learns of Varick's Violent father and wants to support and protect Varick, who is reluctant to let his true self be seen by Sage. On the other hand, Sage struggles to stay on the right path and begins messing around more and more at school, causing a scene and putting himself in danger.




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Character name

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