Adalag Thorne's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

Ziboe Global Rules

When acquiring a character/design by Ziboe you automatically agree with this terms of service:


  • You will not erase the watermarks from art pieces done by me(if there is) unless given permission (please ask). Exception to this rule is for printing purposes and / or using as pagedolls (avoid intrusive watermakrs).
  • Reposting of my art outside of Toyhouse is allowed as long as you either credit me by linking back to my Toyhouse or @ me in social medias which I have an account (regardless if i am active or not in them). 


  • You can redesign the designs by me as much as you need that you currently own.
  • You can gift, trade & resell my designs currently owned by you. When reselling it will only be for the same price originally bought if it doesnt have extra art. If it has extra art, then you may alter the price based on the extra art.
  • Commercial usage of designs made by me that you currently own is okay only on art that belongs to you or commissioned by you from other people, you will not profit from my own art such as printing my art to sell as souvenirs, stickers on redbubble, etc.
  • You may print the art of my designs made by me for your own personal use such as turning my work into a personal t-shirt, a banner, a poster, a pillow, a bag, stickers, etc. As long as you do not mass produce it for selling purposes (as stated before). 


Under no conditions, no matter how tempting the offer may be, the following users are strict forbidden from buying my designs. If you sell/trade anything to them you will be permanent banned from future adquiring my designs and consequently added to this blacklist. This people have done me wrong in the past and I do not want to give them the benefit of owning my creations. They may or may not be bad people, but this are personal experiences, so please do not attack them.