Roxana Kurtz



3 years, 2 months ago



Name Roxana Kurtz
Occupation Soldier
Birthday March 23 ♉︎
Age 19
Height 5'3"
Affiliation The Order of Getheir


The only daughter of the powerful Kurtz family. She has a big heart and great skill with polearms. She fancies herself a hero and joined The Order of Getheir as a means to help others and protect the vulnerable from necrodragon attacks and general injustice. She has an enthusastic zeal that fuels her hero complex, but she still has her kind delicate side that wins over almost everyone. Her charming and lady-like demeanor hides a truly tenacious fighter that won't stop until her job is done and the enemy lay lifeless beneath her feet, all in the name of the Goddess Yrrvie's righteous justice. Off the battlefield, she still can't quiet shake her appetite for luxury, enjoying fanciful dates out to town for tea and a spot of clothes shopping.

Early Life

Roxana was the 9th and final child born to Marlon and Sophia of the Kurtz dynasty. She was preceded by 8 older brothers, all of whom toiled away at combat training while she was taught etiquette and culture. Her father had grand plans for his sons, but more or less left Roxana in the care of her mother and maids with the intent of using her to marry into another powerful family and spread his influence. This didn't sit well with her brothers, who had to endure the full brunt of their fathers lofty expectations of their martial abilities. Not to mention, she basked in the love of their mother whom they would seldom see. This embittered them towards the young girl and when they would meet they would chastise and bully her. It started with one, and the others went along with it, empathizing with his frustration. Because of this treatment, Roxana had to learn to defend herself against such larger and more powerful threats. Her speed and dexterity prevented many injuries, and she learned to fight a bullying brother off with any tool available; yardsticks, brooms, etc. She grew into a very timid and wary teen, finding herself to dread the presence of men and ever looking for the comfort of her mother.

Around the age of 12, her family was heading to a nearby city to celebrate their parent's anniversary when they were blindsided by a group of necrodragons. Their carriages were overturned and occupants picked out and eaten. A few of the older boys and their father fought back, and they were miraculously aided by a band of travelers from The Order of Getheir, a religious militia tasked with expelling the undead, heathenous, and demonic. Roxana and her youngest brother were mercifully plucked from their carriage by a heroic and brave crusader. Unfortunately, much of their family were not as lucky, and Roxana endured the graphic loss of 5 brothers and her dear mother. She was comforted by the woman that saved her and Roxana didn't leave her side until they made it to safety. In her moment of ultimate weakness, Roxana was consoled by the presence of such a strong older woman, stronger than even her brothers and father. It was after that chance encounter that Roxana wanted to remake herself. She wanted to be a heroic and strong person that the weak and vulnerable could rely upon.

To this end she trained tirelessly under her surviving older brothers behind her father's back. The three were able to foster a much closer relationship after the trauma they sustained, but the boys were still at the beck and call of their father's dream. At the age of 18, Roxana begged her father endlessly to allow her to join The Order of Getheir with her brothers' endorsement. By this time the Kurtz family was The Order's top donor outside of the church, meaning Roxana's safety could be tended to. Still, after losing so many children and his wife, sending his only way of marrying into further wealth left a poor taste in Marlon's mouth. Eventually he would relent and allow her to join them under heavy social restictions. The incentive for fast tracking a recruit like her was a generous boost to the Kurtz family's donations, so they happily accepted her. Now she travels the land helping others and honing her skills as a soldier.


Her favorite color is... Pink!

Lawful good.

She initially wasn't very liked by many of the crusaders due to her background as a noble. She's very ignorant of others feelings, for better or worse, and treated everyone as friend with her unyielding enthusiasm, earning her a few friends.

Doesn't know that she likes girls yet.

Despite that, she's quite the romantic, and lives vicariously through others' romantic exploits. Partly because she believes she will never be able to marry for love, and envies those that can.

She loves having friendly rivalries.

The woman that inspired her entire life's purpose is still in The Order and is now a jaded sleazebag that finds Roxana's idealism and hero complex to be an annoyance.

maybe ill get around to it

















