Aura Skye



2 years, 11 months ago


Aura Skye

She/They • Demigirl • Bi lesbian


A toxic, competitive gamer with both a mean streak and a stubborn insistence on only wearing comfy clothes. She stays up very late hours every night streaming different video games she likes, most of them multiplayer; Aura Skye regularly lands at the top of leaderboards, and speedruns are nothing to her. Gaming is her hyperfixation; her life revolves around it. Her room is filled with expensive figurines, prints, plushies, et cetera from all her favorite series, and her clothes follow the same pattern too (yes, Aura Skye has the green Triforce shirt).

Because Aura Skye hates interacting with other people offline and doesn’t want to be ripped off, she’s learned to keep her devices in check personally, so she’s a bit of a tech whiz. Don’t expect her to help with computer troubles, though-not without plenty of complaining at minimum. Also of note is that Aura Skye doesn’t treat her stuff with as much care as she should; precariously placed food and drinks are often piled right next to keyboards, hard drives, and so on. She’s VERY messy, and is often seen with huge trash bags everywhere... if she even bothers to clean up.

In the Flowers AU, Aura Skye is a petty villain who gets thoroughly defeated by Amaryllis and friends after challenging them to a fight. Frustrated and embarrassed by this loss, she insists on being a part of the group in the hopes of landing a successful rematch; eventually, she becomes a villain-turned-ally. 

Her favorite things other than video games: cats, Vocaloid, the colors black and pink, Baja Blast