Oreri Oshiro (Old)



2 years, 9 months ago


Oreri Oshiro


Female 🦋



20 / 19

May 12

Japanese American

Learning to cope

Honey Calcite



Oreri is friendly and personable, generally laid-back and easy to get along with. She's very active, quick to move around and do things, very hands-on. In her regular life, she's often doing field work, wading through fields or wandering through forests to get photos and do research on whatever up-and-coming Bizarre Creature she's looking up next as a busied cryptozoologist.

She's passionate about her interests and good at talking about them. Interpersonally, she seems quite normal and nice, though internally, she feels slightly out of touch, an undercover anxiety about interacting with others that she hides well. You can never really tell how people will respond to you, which has frightened her out of having any kind of personal information available about herself anywhere. But in person, she simply pressures herself into holding herself together.

She finds it hard to justify levying herself alongside more talented people, generally feeling like what she does is not a big deal nor particularly impressive, despite having pride in what she's created. It's a kind of backwards confidence; she doesn't hate herself, typically, but she surely doesn't think she is anything special. She thinks she is very regular, and has no idea why anyone would show a particular interest in her. Why her? She's just, like, a person...

She isn't a particularly optimistic person, but stalwartly refuses to give up in the face of adversity, always tryign to stay ever calm and collected and push forward for the future. Something like a survival instinct; if no one else is going to fight for their good end, by god, someone has to do it, even if she doesn't feel like she'll necessarily succeed. And again, she feels the pressure to stay relaxed and reasonable, someone reliable. If she doesn't, who will...?

She has anxiety and depression as much as anyone else, but internalizes it heavily. She's not interested in having other people see her being vulnerable, and doesn't want people to have to worry about worrying about her. When fully overwhelmed, she will simply pull into herself, self-isolating in silence, recuperating until she re-gathers the energy to stand up and face problems head-on once more.

Ultimately, compared to much of her ilk, she is a relatively normal person, in spite of being a psychic who discovered the Loch Ness* Monster (in NDR). She's quite good at hiding any darkness she has lurking underneath, after all. Someone's got to be good at it.







Approval Rating


  • Weird creatures
  • Folklore
  • Video games... sometimes.


  • Accusations
  • Nightmares
  • People being stabbed with swords

Oreri stands at 5'4", with pale skin and bright green eyes. Her hair is naturally a darker brown, but she bleaches it to a golden blonde fairly regularly, though sometimes you can see the roots. It's usually worn up in some form, often a side-ponytail.

She's still trying to get a hold of her fashion sense. She dresses fairly practically in situations where she's doing field work, and in Mysquest especially has various arrays of normal t-shirts, but in casual situations she likes skirts and soft cardigans and dresses, generally low-key and feminine fashions.



Growing up in Illinois near Lake Michigan, she went to public school for some of her school years, then eventually was switched to online schooling instead for her parents' convenience. She lacks much of a relationship with her highly negative parents, and doesn't particularly feel bad about it, with them being generally unpleasant and generally Conservative. They both work frequently, and even since being a kid she's often out of the house, so she doesn't have to worry about crossing their paths too often these days.

For years, Oreri has run a cryptozoology blog, budding from a general interest blog to a fully blown, massively popular and well-maintained resource for cryptid-related news and findings. She keeps it up to date with recent info from various sources, submissions, research and discoveries, as well as her own content, rigorously worked on and proofread. Purposefully made accessible and easy-to-browse, it's become a stable of cryptozoological information, well-referenced by newcomers and acifionados alike.

She's rigorously studied the area she lives in, and while she can't drive (yet) she can ride a bike, very quickly. Most notably, she's discovered a creature of Lake Michigan-- she's named it Michelle, a large Nessie-like and lovely creature. She's been slightly coy with info on Michelle, mostly out of worry people reacting in negative ways, but she's posted some findings and photos, enough to catch the attention of certain... groups.

To this day, she's not entirely sure how Snarvard flagged her personally down. Other than, obviously, references to Lake Michigan, she hasn't identified herself anywhere on her blog. Her legal name isn't even Oreri, so it's not like it would be on any records... well, she didn't think much of it at the time. She was thrilled to have the chance to pack her bags and move away, so she did immediately.

To note, she's also closeted until immediately before leaving, so there's all kind of things going on for her then. So you know, there's a lot going on for her right then. And you know what happens next! Oh no! It's bad!


Relatively similar to NDR's iteration of her, she lives with her parents right between the woods and Pistachio's farm. She spends a lot of time wandering around the wilderness with a camera, tracking and seeking various weird creatures. Though she's generally more isolated here, she's still knowledgeable, and gets along well with Almond and Pistachio, as well as being friends with Vita who lives on the opposite side of the forest.

Right now, she's mostly creature tracking, biding time and hoping to attain enough Patreon money to move out and live a more suitable life, though she does feel a little bad leavig behind the excited teens who like her. Uh, not enough to not leave eventually, though.

Fun Facts

  • Her voice is lower-medium pitch and sounds friendly, having an almost rehearsed-sounding quality to it, the lack of which makes it extra obvious when she's feeling hesitant or awkward. She sounds likeable.
  • The name 'Oreri' is derived from her blog username, Cryptic Orerry, that inadvertantly became the name she used most when she transed her gender. She doesn't necessarily plan to call herself this forever, but, well, she hasn't thought of anything she likes more yet.
  • She has no romantic experience whatsoever and has no idea how to approach the subject.
  • She wants to get a dog when she moves out. She doesn't know what kind but I love the idea of her with a Silken Windhound or the like.
  • Her assigned animals are Common Nightingale and Least Chipmunk, though I've also entertained the idea of frogs. Her assigned plant is Goldenrod.
  • She likes bobby pins with little shapes on them. She wears a ladybug in Mysquest and a butterfly in NDR. She probably has more.
  • She can't walk in heels........... yet.



Well this is rather complicated.


Jun Onishi [ acquaintence ]

Oreri feels like she should interact with her more, as they're of similar age and situation and still virtually never speak to each other. Not much headway is made, though; if anything, it seems like Jun avoids her a little...

Almond Ansel [ friend ]

It makes her happy to see how much Almond has come out of her shell since she first met her upon arriving here as a deer-in-the-headlights terrified teen. She's satisfied playing some kind of unusual mentor figure or whatever role it is she falls into.


She likes em well enough, but admittedly she is glad that ey managed to find a friend who's a little more suited to em, because ey require a lot of companionship to stay happy and dealing with a fairly clingy teen half the time can be kind of strenuous even if ey are quite nice and friendly.