


2 years, 11 months ago


Name: Marina Drake (also called Captain Nightlock)

Pronouns: she/her

Age: 42

Personality: boisterous, likes to tell grandiose stories about herself and her escapades, very welcoming to crew members (both new and old), has a good sense of humor, likes to swordfight

Relationships: Sharkskull Andy (first mate), Renegade (second mate), crew (will be added later)

Background: Marina is the captain of the notable and feared Red Rift, a pirate ship most known for the wrecks of enemy vessels and trails of blood it leaves in its wake. She lost her arms in a battle with a huge sea serpent, but was granted new ones made of seawater by an ancient god after gaining its assistance in smiting the serpent. She loves to tell stories of her past and present escapades, and is known to be wonderful at spinning tales out of nothing. She is also notorious for accepting nearly anyone into her crew, as long as they can climb the ropes and brave the stormy seas. Her title, Captain Nightlock, is usually uttered by her enemies, but her crew calls her by her first name.

Physical description: A tall brown tabby cat with bushy, salt-laden fur and sea-green eyes. Her arms are both missing, the right at the elbow and the left near the shoulder, and in their place is seawater in the form of the arms she lost. On deck, during the day, she wears her captain's coat and hat, often carrying around her cutlass. During her downtime, she sheds the jacket and hat and instead wears just her white dress and sea-green covers & bandana. Whenever she has to handle papers or anything equally delicate that could be ruined by the touch of water, she wears long, arm-length black leather gloves that buckle at the very end to prevent water from leaking out.