


2 years, 10 months ago


.: General Info :.

Name: Buster
Pronunciation: BUHS-ter
Nicknames: None
Age: 19
Birthday: September 5
Birthplace: Somewhere snowy
Species: Stick
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Height: 5'7"

.:Distinguishing features:.
Buster's blue skin and heterochromatic eyes (one yellow and one green) are the only two things less noticeable than the myriad of battle scars around his wrists and ankles. His feet are pointy, his right eye has a nasty scar running up from the top of it, and his hands are constantly wrapped in bandages for cushioning while training and fighting. He's fairly well-built on top of everything, though being somewhat lanky with his long legs and slim-martial artist muscles. Expect to see him almost always with some cocky or otherwise over-the-top expression on his face.

Current residence: Somewhere out in the fields
Current home: House
Occupation: Prizefighter
Relationship status: Single
Social status: Civilian

.: Dialogue :.

Voice claim/Accent: Thick Australian accent
Language: English/Common
Other languages known: None
Style of speaking: Buster is very energetic and expressive, often tripping over his own words when he gets really into a topic.

.: Personality :.

Buster is proud, boisterous, friendly, and goofy. He's as willing to make friends with people as he is to fight them. He's a clumsy fellow with more mistakes and defeats to his name than triumphs and victories, but he doesn't seem to let anything get him down unless someone's directly insulting him or something he cares about. He's always ready to hang out with someone, chug down a few light beers, and return home just in time for some late night practice. In the ring, his personality barely changes and he'll make wisecracks in the middle of battle. Even when he really shouldn't. Even when he's losing. No matter what, he gives everything his best, and his determination is described by the people who know him as either one of his best or one of his most annoying qualities.

Beneath all that bravado, however, is a deep inferiority complex. Buster constantly feels like he has something to prove, not only to the world but to himself. Yet perhaps the biggest thing holding him back is that he no longer truly believes in himself after so many losses.

Likes: Fighting, martial arts movies, broadcasted combat sports, superhero comics
Dislikes: Spiders, crocodiles, hot days, ads
Hobbies/past times: Watching (and imitating) cartoons
Guilty pleasures: Ice cream
Pet peeves: Slow service
Personal goals: Become the very best like no one ever was
Religious values: None
General intelligence: "Taken-a-few-blows-to-the-head" smart.
General sociability: Very sociable

.: Relationships :.

Unknown family

None yet

Friends (currently)
None yet

Love interest
None yet

.: Combat :.

General Skills: Martial arts and general combat training, ki/qi manipulation
Peaceful or violent? Peaceful most of the time.
Weapon(s) of choice: None.

.: Abilities :.

-Kinetic Energy Manipulation-
Buster can draw ki from the planet and infuse it with his body to strengthen any of his attacks. They also provide protection, enabling him both to block efficiently and to hit as hard as he can without hurting himself. It's rare to see him fight without ki and it usually means he's going easy on someone. He cannot use this to launch projectiles yet, only enhance his own physical attacks.

.: Fears :.

Buster cannot stand the sight of spiders.

.: Health :.

-Wear and Tear-
While he's still in his fighting prime, Buster's body has been battered quite a bit from participating in (and losing) so many fights.

.: History :.

Buster was always a scrappy youth. Instead of reporting his bullies like his parents encouraged, Buster was the type to play the hero and try to give them a taste of their own medicine only to get his face smashed in. Still, he was either very courageous or very stupid since he had a flame in his heart that never died. His parents sighed him up for a mixed martial arts club at school, both at request from Buster himself and an attempt to find a healthy outlet for his aggression. While it did help him positively focus his energy, he was a fairly mediocre brawler for most of his tenure there, sitting firmly at the middle of the ranks. This didn't demotivate him. In fact, he put himself into learning and improving his fighting style more than ever and by the time he left he was almost at the top of the club. Almost. Once he turned sixteen, he left home and decided to go looking for glory on his own. Somewhere between then and the present, he got into an extremely intense fight which gave him the scar over his eye. Nobody knows who gave it to him and Buster himself will change the subject whenever probed about it.

Buster lives out on his own in the fields near the city, dwelling in his own little house with a training yard in the back. He signs up for tournaments when he can, hoping to one day walk away with a big golden trophy.

.: Other Details :.

- Buster's fighting style combines elements of both eastern and western martial arts. He can box just as easily as he can pull off a sick Kung Fu combo.