


2 years, 9 months ago


Calora Pokédex  No. 12  Woolipo Princalis  Monaposa     

Monarch Pokemon

Type BugIC.png  BugIC.pngPsychicIC.png
Height  4'11''
Weight  76.5 lbs.
AbilitiesMagic Guard / Queenly Majesty
EvolvesLv. 15 -> Lv. 20
Poppy Path, Manzanita Ridge
Woolipo is a great beginner Pokemon as it is easy to find and easy to catch. With time and patience, it will become the powerful and majestic Monaposa. Towards the end of the year, the final stage of this Pokemon, Monaposa, will migrate across the region in great numbers.
learnset — by leveling up or move relearner

Embargodark.gifMove relearner. Prevents the target from using effects of its hold item for 5 turns.

Ominous Wind
ghost.gifMove relearner. The user blasts the target with a gust of wind, and may also raise all the user's stats at once.
Air Cutterflying.gifMove relearner. The user launches razor-like wind to slash opposing Pokémon. Critical hits land more easily.
String Shotbug.gifOpposing Pokémon are bound with silk blown from the user's mouth that harshly lowers the Speed stat.
Poundnormal.gifThe target is physically pounded with a long tail, a foreleg, or the like.
7Astonishghost.gifThe user attacks the target while shouting in a startling fashion. This may also make the target flinch.
12Flatterdark.gifFlattery is used to confuse the target. However, this also raises the target's Sp. Atk stat.
16Confusionpsychic.gifThe target is hit by a weak telekinetic force. This may also confuse the target.
20Draining Kiss
fairy.gifThe user steals the target's HP with a kiss. The user's HP is restored by over half of the damage taken.
24Silver Windbug.gifThe target is attacked with powdery scales blown by the wind. This may also raise all the user's stats.
28Extrasensorypsychic.gifThe user attacks with an odd, unseeable power. This may also make the target flinch.
32Psychic Terrain
psychic.gifThis protects Pokémon on the ground from priority moves and powers up Psychic-type moves for five turns.
38Pollen Puff
bug.gifThe user attacks the enemy with a pollen puff that explodes. If the target is an ally, it restores HP.
44Confidenormal.gifThe user tells the target a secret, and the target loses its ability to concentrate. This lowers the target's Sp. Atk.
52Future Sightpsychic.gifTwo turns after this move is used, a hunk of psychic energy attacks the target.
56Wishnormal.gifOne turn after this move is used, the user's or its replacement's HP is restored by half the user's max HP.
60Trick Roompsychic.gifThe user creates a bizarre area in which slower Pokémon get to move first for five turns.
64Quiver Dance
bug.gifThe user lightly performs a beautiful, mystic dance. This boosts the user's Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, and Speed stats.
base states

disclaimer: this is a fanmade pokemon (fakemon) for a fictional pokemon region. assets are by me or from official games.