Kris (Mince)



Mince is Kris's pickling companion! (He/him) They are official kintaur companions which you can learn more about here:

Acquisition story:

Kris boldly marched up to the tree, taking off his scarf and slinging it over the nearest branch to use as a rope to get up the nearest branch. Everyone knew that the best fruit was at the top of the tree. While his best friend Chess's pickling had practically fallen out of the tree onto him, Kris knew that if he wanted a companion that suited him he'd have to put in some legwork. As he hoisted himself up branch by branch, the picklings scattered throughout the branches nervously shuffled away from his touch.

Finally, Kris reached the top of the tree. The very highest pickling looked at him annoyed, sticking out its tongue at the kintaur as if mocking his efforts. "Of course I'd get the rude one." Kris chuckled to himself, before grabbing the pickling and jumping down.