


2 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info






155.6 cm / 5'1


Giant Forest full of Magical creatures & Oddities (The Deep Woods)




Attack, Defense and Multiple object shapeshifting with her Tree Arm


Ray of Sunshine, Kinda Shy


Doesn't know how to read / Tree Arm is an utility tool for diverse activities / Appearance Changes depending on the seasons


Ocean (Girlfriend)


Ashley is a Nymph that lives in a Magical Forest full of diverse creatures and Oddities called "The Deep Woods".

One of her main traits is her tree Arm, even tho it may seem like the tree arm is harmeless, it is actually a parasite that took part of her left arm as she was born, the tree arm, is a big utility tool in Ashley's life, as it can extend to reach farther places, it can change it's shape to take the form of different weapons and tools, can be used as a shield, and packs quite the punch; a direct hit from this arm would easily break your bones. The downside of it, is that the arm constantly takes nutrients from Ashley, just as a tree grabs nutrients from the earth, this makes Ashley to be underdeveloped in terms of muscle mass, height, and bone hardness.

Depending on the seasons her appearance as well as the tree arm's will change.

In Summer: Normal Appearance, long hair, brown bulky tree arm

In Autum: Hair gets slightly shorter, as well as getting orange in the ends of the hair; the tree arm changes to a gray color, plus getting slightly thinnier

In Winter: Hair gets short, the ends of the hair become blue and the tree arm becomes black and tangly. Because of Ashley disliking her appearance in this season, other characters (Like forest creatures or Ocean) often decorate her hair in order for her to feel better

In Spring: Hair starts growing back from the cold season; the ends of her hair adquire a pink and peachy tone, petals and flowers also get tangled into her hair. Her tree arm regains the bulkyness and adquires a bright brown color.

In consequence of her living in a forest for her entire life, she isn't too kin to humans, while she is talkative with most of the forest creatures, she has a lot of struggles communicating with humans, even if she is used to the concept. Due to the lack of society contact, even tho she knows how to speak, she doesn't know how to read.

Her favorite activities are wandering around the forest as if it was her own playground, spending time with the forest creatures, and above all, spending time with her girlfriend Ocean.

Ashley's Tree Arm often gets satisfied when passing time around with Ocean, that's because of the constant water flow in Ocean's hair Hydrating the Arm