


2 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info






173.2 cm / 5'8


The Elemental's Council / The Deep Woods


Elemental (Water)


Full control of water


Calm and elegant, kind of Rude, Tsundere type


She's rude with most people except Ashley / Her hair is made out of water


Ashley (Girlfriend)


Ocean is one of the Elementals, she resides in the Deep Woods and sometimes spends time in the Elementals Council when she's busy.

The Elementals are a group that has as a mission to keep the balance of all living things, and to stop anyone that may want to interfere with this balance, there are different kinds of elementals, one representing different elements in the nature. They're all asigned with a place in the world where they can fullfill their duties without being problematic to the residents of the world, plus, being able to use their elemental powers. Ocean was placed in the Deep Woods because of the tame temperatures and regular level of humidity.

Ocean abilities are water controlling abilities, besides being able to use all of the properties water has to the fullest, she can throw water at big speeds and at a great quantity, create big waves to wash out enemies, compress the water in order to harden it and use it as weapons changing the shape of it, modifying the position of her hands to throw water at a high pressure (Making it able to cut through almost anything), create tidal waves, between many more uses. (Note that she can't control Ice yet, because of the different structure it has)

The water sources from which Ocean can use her powers are mostly rivers, lake, rain, the Ocean or her own hair, the only downside is that the more water she controls at the same time, the more tiring it is for her.

Electricity is her weakness, if a source of electricity touches her hair it will zap her and leave her unconscious for a few moments

Her hair is made out of water, see it as a waterfall that never ends, it is an unlimited supply of water, meaning that she would be able to fill an infinite ammount of water containers ouf of just her hair, in order to avoid flodding in some spaces, the hair evaporates quickly when it enters in contact with solid floor (Meaning concrete, stone, etc.), because of this her hair also shares the same properties water has, depending on the time of the day her hair will change of color (Ex: In sunsets it gets darker), and if she enters contact with a different source of water her water will change to said one (Ex: Her hair getting the properties of Acid rain when in contact with Cities with high polution). And on High temperatures her hair gets completely evaporated, leaving her temporarely bald until she recovers some cool

One of Ocean's Favorite activities is to chill out nearby water sources by herself, or spending time with her Girlfriend Ashley.