


2 years, 11 months ago


Name emil
Nickname n/a
Race rava viera
Gender male
Age ???
D.O.B. ???
Height 5 fulms, 10 ilms (5'10")
Occupation ???
Orientation pan (male pref)
Status single
Headcanon Voice [ ]
Theme Song [ ]

job machinist
origin ???
title gaolbreaker

  • heterochromia. his left eye has a bright red dot in the middle that glows sometimes.
  • lighter on the bottom of his nose, almost making it look like a bunny nose.
  • has a scar that runs down his left eye, along with a scars around his mouth. he also has one that runs around his neck, and a scar that runs down the middle of his chest.
  • beauty mark under his left eye.
  • light gradient to his hair.
  • red markings around his eyes.

"just a moment, i'm a little busy..."

a quiet viera that keeps to himself and his magitek scraps. emil is more so the type to speak when spoken to, and will otherwise stay quiet. if he isn't outside, then he's holed up in his own place tinkering with magitek creations to give them different uses. he seems to brighten up if someone decides to talk to him about magitek technology and stuff of the like.


emil doesn't remember where he was born, but he remembers the darker moments of his life full of blinding lights and scalpels cutting into his flesh. he was captured by garleans and turned into a test subject for hypertuning and resonance experiments. emil managed to escape after there was a raid at the lab he was being kept at. he ran until his entire body screamed for him to stop.

after his escape, he began to wander around aimlessly while keeping a low profile to prevent himself from being discovered by the garleans. when he could, he would take up odd jobs to pocket a bit of gil for himself. he still does the same, but he now lives in his own place with access to his own workshop to do his tinkering in peace.


magitek stuff

jelly, pudding

autumn, starlight celebration

cold weather, snow

sharp objects, scalpels

bright lights

  • he's alright with cooking and using knives, but he'll freeze up if a sharp object is pointed at him.
  • his upper body is extremely strong. this is mainly from the times he's had to drag himself back to his house when his legs malfunctioned.
  • absolutely loves jelly and pudding, his favorite being coffee flan with coconut milk and shaved ice.
  • he enjoys the starlight celebration, but he dislikes winter because his legs are more prone to acting up from the cold.
  • sometimes suffers from nightmares regarding his time as a test subject.
  • sensitive at his neck and legs.