


2 years, 10 months ago


Titania, Queen of the Faeries.
A name told of in legends, and most famously, a play by the bard. She is of course, just a legend, right?
Yes, and no, Titania and Oberon most certainly existed... but that was a long time ago. A very, very, very long time ago.

So long ago that at least three universes have gone and come in that time, yet the Fair Lands and all faeries endured, living on long enough to see this universe as it is now.

Titania and Oberon, like most fae, lived a long, long life, but eventually, either grew tired of living, wished to sleep forever, or burned themselves out, like most archfae before them, they passed away.

But their most loyal servant, Puck, refused to let it stay this way, against their wishes, he collected an echo of the king and queens power, promising to return them one day, no matter now many years it would take.

Billions of years later, and three universes later, Puck is still trying in this goal.

And in at least one possible future... he succeeded.

In this alternate timeline, Puck gained access to the "Rumor Mill", a powerful artifact with the ability to turn heresay and rumors into reality, he set about saying rumors about how powerful Titania was, how she was unstoppable, how she could turn mortal worlds into extensions of the fair lands without a contract, how she could live forever, how she would return to them. These rumors nurtured the "echo" of what little remained of Titania's (still powerful) essence, but, unbeknowst to Puck, these rumors were tainting and warping the essence of his beloved ruler into something else. 

The time had come, the "essence" of Titania was ready, now he simply needed a vessel to help the soul be reborn, not unlike a fae transferring their essence to a mortal before passing away, transforming the mortal into a fae themselves.

He needed a fine vessel... and his eyes turned towards a changeling girl named Adalynn, who, funnily enough, played the role of Titania in a play to celebrate fair lands history recently, something had happened to sour her mood, and Puck offered her the chance to cast aside her mortality and rule on high as the queen of all faeries.

Adalynn agreed, and the rebirth began, it was painful, but at the end, when the smoke cleared, Titania had returned... but not in the way Puck expected. 

Many things were wrong, her eyes were upside down, her hair was still blonde like Adalynn, her wings were more like a raging storm than a calming rain, and... the dress. That wasn't Titania. He expected a mix between the vessel and the essence, but not like this. They mixed together wrong, or there was more of the mortal. And most worrying was her playfulness, she still had an air of nobility to her, but it was clear that this was more like a warped reflection of Adalynn with some Titania than a balance...

But there was nothing he could do, the rumors spoke into reality by the Mill made Titania very powerful. Archfae are alraedy the most powerful breed of faery there are, capable of great change in the Fair Lands, but all the heresay that gathered around Titania only made her more powerful, and more unstoppable. She changed parts of the Fair Lands that she didn't like, improved the ones she did liked, and, when she felt like it, she would begin to spread her influence through a portal to a mortal world and begin changing it slowly over time, until, eventually, it became like an extension of the Fair Lands... just like the rumors said.

There is little that can be done to stop Titania, because the Huo & Tat of this timeline are all too happy to let her roam free, glad they can finally view faerie plots without interference.

Already, no less than ten worlds have become "faeified" by Titania's magic and playfulness, including Larutan. When Titania arrives, she begins changing it slowly over time, but it's expoential, once it's begun, it cannot be stopped, and eventually, the population will either notice, or be like sheep and not care or notice. Usually, her coming results in many mortals being turned into lifeless decorations (Especailly the ones she deems "Boring")

It's hardly better for those that survive and are deemed "Interesting", for the world they inhabit now, changed by fae magic, tends to be far different from what thye're used to, has the "Rules" change suddenly, or simply is too horribly confusing and maddening to imagine. They become worlds of pure madness ruled by the fae, and given the "Gift" of eternity, they cannot escape it, and try as they might to fight back, little can be done...

Thankfully, this is but a possible future. It is not set in stone, and those in charge of timelines, while they'd love to be rid of this horrible timeline, cannot remove it, for they need to study it closely to ensure it never happens.

In the "Prime" timeline, steps have already been made, with the help of a writer, Jovani Clover, rumors about Titania are squashed and dispelled at every turn, the Rumor Mill is hidden away beyond Puck's reach (but still capable of problems), and, most notably, the last step to ensure it never happens came from Titania herself.

Titania is capable of "Projecting" herself into the past, where she is far weaker, and cannot make permanent changes, but can still reach out to other timelines.

In one case, she "reached out" to the past of the Prime Timeline in an attempt to talk to her Past Self, and convince her to follow in her footsteps, to become queen of all faeries and have fun for all eternity!

Fortunately, this utterly horrified the changeling girl, who, high off of the joy of her performance in the play, resolved to never become like Titania, and remain herself, even if she was weak and mortal.

Titania returned to her timeline, rebuked and frustrated, but eager to get back to having fun.

Though this timeline may never happen, it still exists in the void of time, lingering for eternity as a reminder and a lesson to make sure that it does not happen again, or ever... and Titania is happy to stay there, occasionally sneaking out from her royal duties to have adventures, expand the fair lands, and hav eher own brand of "Fun", even if it's at the expense of mortals (and sometimes fae.)