Amalthea Laforet



2 years, 10 months ago


Amalthea Laforet

beautiful but bound for treading underfoot

She was nothing but a soulless doll, a shell with no will, purpose, nor desires of her own -- or at least, that was what she was supposed to be. That is, until she stared mortality in the face -- and tasted hope and despair, freedom and longing for the first time in her life. And, for the first time, she wished to live.

Oh, but dear, the sky is low; gather up its harm in gauze with grateful arms.

Physical Appearance

age young adult

gender female

height 5'5" / 166cm

weight 130lbs / 59kg

build waiflike

eyes brown

hair light sandy blonde

complexion fair

  • French/Korean.
  • Soft sheep gorl; has gothic Little Bo Peep vibes.
  • Extremely long, extremely thick wavy hair; often tamed somewhat by many braids and antique hairpins.
  • Bruises very easily; often sports bandages of some description.
  • Right arm and leg are prosthetic from the shoulder and hip down, and resemble ceramic ball-joint doll limbs with fine golden filigree accents; interchangeable with blue and white porcelain-like versions.
  • Almost always fully covered -- wears long sleeves, sweaters, and stockings despite the weather.
  • Dresses in light neutral or pastel colours, usually combined with soft charcoal shades.
  • Uses a silver rapier with a floral guard.
  • Animal form: very rare; might occasionally take the form of a fluffy lion-sheep, tangled in roots and vines.


species homunculus, contractor

birthday apr 28

zodiac taurus

alignment neutral-balanced

mbti isfp

enneagram type 2, helper

temperament phlegmatic

arcana xvi. hope

  • Realest soft girl vibes and hours.
  • Just a blank slate clone sent out into the big bad world.
  • Local clone eventually gains a personality and will of their own, more at 11.
  • Has a highly limited grasp of emoting and self-expression.
  • Shy, reserved, and skittish.
  • Always tends to look downwards, and always speaks in a soft voice.
  • While she may be non-assertive, she is more stubborn and strong-willed than given credit for.
  • Can and will keep throwing herself at a problem, until the problem (or she herself) breaks -- whichever comes first.
  • Deeply fascinated by almost everything, because anything is new and novel and exciting to her. Very easily impressed. Also very gullible.