maxwell j. fable



3 years, 2 months ago



maxwell j. fable

they / he / she

jackalope animatronic

jan 29


  • a homemade animatronic brought to life by angelic power.
  • maxwell is jude’s biggest project in terms of constructing their own animatronic from scraps. he isn’t exactly a specific animal due to being composed of various parts, but jude loosely refers to him as a jackalope.
  • accidentally brought to life by tyler while he was trying to fix their one of their antlers, maxwell is now alive and sapient!
  • the knowledge she woke up with was mainly limited to information related to kid’s parties and animatronic shows. they’ll occasionally bring up a random unrelated word or fact that they shouldn’t know from anywhere, but outside of that, what she knows relies solely on what jude and tyler teach her.
  • they feel drawn to perform, but are understanding of why jude is wary of letting them go out in public. still, they are inherently curious and not above sneaking around to explore when possible.
  • though his movements are still limited, he is able to articulate his limbs in a much more advanced way than his technology should allow. he definitely has more vocalizations than is normal, but jude has long given up the idea that he is running on pre-recorded voicelines.
  • she is naturally adept at playing the piano, and she seems to be able to perform okay with a wide range of instruments.
  • the fur on their ears and paws is a different texture than their head and neck.
  • their vest is glittery, and their antlers are flat, 2D props.
  • he doesn’t have animatronic legs; his bottom half is a post fitted with wheels for easy movement. he has a cane to propel himself with manually, but is working with jude to figure out how to automate the wheels because he thinks it’d be fun.