Kauros Thyme (FSC Universe)



1 year, 2 months ago


First kisses are overrated anyways
July 19th
Original Design
  • Guitar
  • Steampunk
  • Lots of ink
  • Jewellery
  • Bare hands, no polish
  • Bright rooms
  • Heat
  • Crowds of people

Karl's a pretty average guy. He doesn't remember his family too well. He grew up for the most part alone in the wilderness. One day, a kind stranger took him in to a magical land. Carlin Cove. The place where all dreams are real and all weak are safe. He never saw the kind stranger again, but he is very grateful for them. He always thinks back to that day. If it weren't for them where would he be?

Karl spent all his teenaged years in Carlin Cove. Living on his own in a small town. Carlin Cove was a pretty small place, it is a large dome completely engulfed by vines, leaves, and just nature. Though they get tons of sunlight through the branches. He lives in a small cottage downtown in the heart of the town. The townsfolk were always so nice to him, being how young he was living all alone and living off what he made for cleaning and other things for people.

Karl now however is working at a jewellery store. Its a small one but he finds it really fun. He's always been fascinated in gems and the jewellery making. Later on he met a new comer, Chase. The two soon became good friends. Chase became a regular at the jewellery store, since he'd constantly snap his jewellery. The two got a good laugh out of it, most of the time Karl would quickly fix it and let him off free. He didn't have the heart to charge the poor guy almost every day to fix his things.

  • Karl is really good at the guitar
  • He struggles a lot to fly. Some other folks in his town that know how to fly are helping him learn.
  • When he was little he used to collect rocks and gemstones he found. This is what sparked his interest for jewellery.
  • He uses his tail to hold rings and stuff when he has to work on multiple projects at once. It's like his own personal rack.
  • For some reason, Karl has an odd fasination for ink.

Best Friend


Chase Camelia

Chase is one of Karl's best friends. The two met shortly after Chase moved into Carlin Cove. The two clicked and started talking almost immediatley. They say they're two pieces of an unfinished puzzle.

Close Friend


Cindy Camelia

Cindy is a close friend of Karl's. He met her through his best friend Chase, seeing as Chase is her older brother. At first things between them were awkward but soon enough the two got close. Karl sees Cindy as a little sister. She usually tags along when Chase and him hang out, and he doesn't mind it at all.



Kind Stranger

The kind stranger that helped Karl to Carlin Cove. He admires the stranger so much. Every day he thinks about them and appreciates them. He doesn't know who they are or where they went, but he is forever greatful for that small act of kindness.