


6 years, 10 months ago



Puppet was the first test done by the Old one. To push and break the rules and laws of what is natural life.  The torture of being built can be to blame for Puppets seemingly lack of moral or sympathy towards all other creatures. As the Old one’s first great success She was made their second in command over all other residence and experiment on the isle. Her ability to blood bend people to her will was invaluable when controlling rouge experiment or for bringing more helpless beings for the old one to experiment on.  

Puppets main responsibility for the Old one was to keep an iron will over any and all being that would challenge their rule on the isle. An emotionless enforcer and killer of trouble makers. Breaking wills and torturing those that cause issues. One of the main reasons She dismantled Sproket. Finding there repetitive issue causing unpleasant yet not willing to destroy a creation of the Old one.

When 404 attacked and killed the Old one. Puppets own cold mentality is really what saved them with arguing with 404. Puppet is not pure evil. They where always just following orders with no ability to actual stop and think if anything they where doing was wrong. In this 404 left them alive on the isle with the command to watch over the ilses. And to take care of the child cyclot goobee. Puppet had no real thought but to comply. Seeing Ted had fled ahead of 404 arrival and 404 her self was taking many of the other creations of the Old one.  

This started a small change in Puppet. They where still emotionally cold and did not often directly interact with Goobee but they did change there methods of feeding and caring for the young clot. Casually locking off more dangerous parts of the isle and making it a routine to hunt the clot down.
it was actual of small interest to see that Sprocket was rebuilt. Though Puppet made no acknowledgment of them. Clearly seeing sprocket was actively trying to hide form them.
it added another agreeable line of protection for Goobee. Puppet deemed it a positive to her objective of keeping Goobee safe. 

For now Puppet walks and manages the isle seeing to those that often wounder across the place as well as containing and experimenting on much smaller scale. Aloof and distant from all other living creatures.  

Other facts
is very distant and easily annoyed yet slow to truly anger to the point of rage.

her needles like teeth often break off in those she bites. Causing immense pain in her victims while her teeth grow back easily.

the bone mask is part of her face never coming off

and she uses her own blood as weapons freezing the needle sharp threads when attacked.