Vega O'berne



7 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info


Vega O'berne








"Mess with me and you'll run 'outta luck."

Name: Vega O'berne
Full Title: tba??
Alignment: Celestial
Physical Age: 18
Actual Age: 25
Skill type: 
Weapon('s): Magician wand. Though it's really more for the aesthetic
Fighting Style: Vega's fighting style is more about tactic and style than brute strength. Though he _does_ use his wand, which has a sword in it, for close combat the majority of his attack power comes from his skills and combining them with close-quarter combat. He's a tricksy guy and that doesn't stop once he's fighting someone. Also he likes to make a spectacle when he's fighting, idk he's pretty extra.

Russian Roulette - Can summon from one to as many pistols he wants to fire upon a target
 Chemin De Fer - Summons a storm of bladed cards
 Snake Eyes - Summons large dice to drop on the battlefield and explode
 Bulls-eye - They're pretty much darts but like they explode
 tba because i've got nothin'


 +Card games, video games, games in general.
 +Seafood tbh
 +Electro swing
 +City lights at night

 -Being ignored
 -Getting accused of cheating
 -Even when he is
 -Bad music



  • Competitive
  • Tricky/Clever
  • Jokester
  • Charismatic
  • Dramatic
  • Playful

    Vega is generally a pretty friendly and chill guy. He's not all up for the whole 'murder every Infernal you see' bit, but he's not exactly a saint either. Certain Infernals seem to have gained his interest, so he's alright around a good number of them. Vega doesn't seem to consider a lot of people as 'friends' as he does 'acquaintances' but you can bet that when he does warm up to someone, they've got his loyalty and he's generally really honest with them. Though upon first meeting, Vega can be considered kind of an asshole. He'll tease people, albeit good-naturedly, and this never really changes despite how close someone is to him. He's dramatic and he likes to make a scene when he's doing something, he likes attention, man. He's a playful sort and likes poking fun at people. Though Vega seems like such a chill guy, he's competitive to a fault. He hates to loose and won't back down if he's challenged. He's also rather dishonest, though he's not going to out-right lie to people faces, he'll cover things up with white lies and the like. Don't want to be too obvious, you know? 


Dynamo - Vega gets along rather well with Dynamo for the most part. The two of them can be found chilling over a few drinks or playing video games every now and then. But reality is that Vega more or less makes it his mission to out-do Dynamo in a lot of things. It's like a silent competition that the Infernal has no idea he's a part of. Ever since Vega was put on the spot to challenge Dynamo when he was a new Celestial. Obviously Vega lost that battle, but it seems he can't just put it behind him.

 Fidelia Blanc - Though Vega and Fidelia are both travellers who hunt Astrals abroad (Albeit Fidelia does more than Vega), they're not often at the same place. But sometimes they end up fighting the same astral or hanging out at Apollo's at the same time casually or for parties. During the occasion they get along pretty well. So well that they've become something of friends. Vega doesn't throw the word around lightly, so maybe he wouldn't say it out-loud, but if he's going to a movie or going out, one of the first people he thinks to invite is Fidelia granted she's around.

 Isaac Partridge - Vega and Isaac have an... extremely complicated relationship. Vega was a new magical boy and didn't know the ropes around the Celestial manor. He had gotten used to faces but was still rather sceptical when Isaac would constantly try and pester him. This didn't last long, because Isaac was actually rather fun to be around and they became friends. The two liked to joke with people and have fun when they can. Somewhere along the way the two of them began dating. Unaware of Isaac's usual track record, Vega didn't know what to expect. But despite Isaac's usual weekend boyfriends, the two of them seemed really happy together. Vega practically spoiled Isaac and wanted nothing more than to see the green boy happy. However despite the relationship lasting significantly longer than usual, nobody was really surprised when they did break up. Vega really didn't know what to say when Isaac admitted they couldn't go on because he 'loved someone else'. It didn't take Vega long to put two and two together, but that didn't make him any less hurt. For all he knew, Isaac was just using him, so that's what he decided to believe. Instead of feeling hurt for losing someone that he could admittedly say he loved, he turned that hurt into anger and blamed Isaac for using him.
They don't really get along now, but they will work together if they need to. Vega takes joy in bugging Isaac over Percival and generally being a pest to him, if only out of spite. oops. However Vega does find himself worrying abut Isaac when things bother him. Old habits die hard.

 Cornelius Whyte - Vega is always overjoyed when he hears that Cornelius is in the manor. Not because he particularly enjoys Cornelius' company no, Cornelius is a stuck-up prick. But because he reacts so well to being teased, and by 'well' I mean not well at all. Vega is just generally a terror to the older Celestial, simply because it's so funny to see him freak out.

 Percival Rhodason - Vega would be lying if he said he didn't hold a little bit of resentment toward Percival. But he understands that Percival was simply a bystander and never did anything wrong beyond existing.  For the most part, he treats Percival as he does any other Celestial. Though he does get up in the poor boys space from time to time to annoy Isaac.  

Eden Rosaceae - Eden is a softspoken guy, so Vega doesn't tease him as much as the other Celestials. He tried it once and it didn't exactly end well- Though the two find it surprisingly easy to talk to each other and Vega's always surprised by how caring Eden seems to be. Though he's seen first-hand how Eden handles bullshit, he's also aware that the guy is more often pretty cool to hang around. Eden will even listen to him when he has something to talk about and somehow always knows when something's wrong. Vega can honestly say that he enjoys Eden's company.  

Theme/ transformation/battle: 
Theme: TBA

History: - 


   ◉ He's got one green eye, and the other's orange.
   ◉ Vega's always rich as hell because he's got a gambling problem, and with his magic winning is pretty much guaranteed.
   ◉ He does live in the Celestial mansion technically. But he often books it to Vegas or other pretty and flashy places to go and gamble. He can say he's going to look for Astrals all he wants, but Apollo knows.
   ◉ Performs as a street magician when he has free time, simply because he enjoys it.
   ◉ May or may not have a gang, also may or may not be leader of said gang.
   ◉ Nobody likes playing card games or chance games with him because he always wins.
   ◉ If he was an rpg character his luck stat would be through the roof.
   ◉ His favourite genre's of music are swing, jazz and electroswing.
   ◉ If you can play the saxophone, he'll think you're a god.