


8 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info




The Industrial Powerhouse






"You've got a spark in 'ya. That's what I like to see."

Name: Eric Chevalier
Full Title: The Industrial Powerhouse
Alignment: Infernal
Physical Age: 18
Actual Age: 110+
Skill type: Energy/Electricity
Weapon('s): Dual Bladed Guns
Fighting Style: 
Dynamo's fighting style may seem pretty messy but he tends to know about 80% of what he's doing-. Having had military training he uses that to his advantage in combat. When in close range he uses the blades on the bottom of his gun's to deflect attacks and make quick and merciless offensive attacks of his own. In long range, he utilises his dual gun's to the fullest of his abilities. Though.. Dynamo does run into thing's head first a lot of the time. He fight's with confidence in his abilities, which admittedly he is strong, however such confidence could be his downfall.

Energy Pulse - Dyna releases a pulse of energy from his body or from his hand which can knock back physical objects, shattering glass and object of the like.
 Energy Blast - Dyna releases a blast of electric energy from his body. The electricity circles through physical objects like a chain, overpowering electric objects causing them to explode.
 Industrial Discharge - Electric energy explodes from his body in a violent flurry of bolts spreading every way they can.
 Energy contortion - contorts the energy around him which exerts pressure on his enemies to ensue pain or simply give him an advantage.
 Scattershot - Multiple blast's erupt from his guns, scattering everywhere or all going to the same place.
 Charge shot - A single, charged shot blast's from each gun.

    +Flirting with literally everyone
    +Annoying literally everyone
    +He enjoys harassing Celestials on the street, lets be honest.
    +Manga, he's a damn weeb.
    +18+ manga.
    +Kicking Celestial and Astral ass.
    +Watching movies.
    +Watching movies with the fam
    +Dark clothes

    -Celestials thinking they can be smartasses
    -Noble telling him to 'be careful' so often.
    -When he gets a tinge of pissed off and accidentally blows a circut in his DS or ipod
    -Or just the nearest electronic device tbh.
    -Don't piss him off in an electronics store or that's it.
    -Apollo catching him in the Celestial mansion
    -Apollo in general ew


  • Outgoing
  • Confident
  • Reckless
  • Passionate
  • Sociable
  • Assertive

Dynamo seems to have this spark in him. It's as if he puts all of his feelings good and bad into whatever it is that he may be doing. When he fights, it is with confidence and power and ultimately it's for those he cares about. Though he may seem obnoxious and incredibly inappropriate at times. What with his constant flirting, obnoxious swearing and often vulgar words. He makes up for it by being loyal to those he deems worthy of it and he cares incredibly deeply for his friends. He would do almost anything for them and would easily place himself between them and danger.
He can often loose control of his emotions, however. This with his lack of self-control can lead to him saying and doing some pretty brash stuff. His intentions are always in the right place, but sometimes it can get out of hand. Dynamo's the kind of guy who knows what he likes and what his morals are, but that doesn't stop him from considering other peoples views. He's actually not a hard-head and is easy to talk to if you're not intimidated by his loud nature. 


 Mirage - The two of them have been close friends since they were children. Mirage was a strong child who would often stick up for Eric when he said the wrong thing, and she probably punched a few children to defend him. This friendship hasn't weakened at all in the long years they have knows each other and they were even a couple during their teen years before Dynamo was drafted. Mirage has always been at Dynamo's side and the two are kind of like a duo of sorts. Dynamo will do anything to keep her safe and he's well aware that she would do the same for him.  
      Dual attack: Prism Surge - Mirror's are called to the vicinity of the battlefield, upon witch electricity flows sporadically from mirror to mirror. For added chaos, the mirror's can spin.

Noble - Dynamo has an admiration for Noble. At first he always thought the guy was too pretentious and stuck-up, but once they started warming up to each other, he found a strength in Noble that he could admire. Noble's always looking out for him like a big brother, and it's only right that Dynamo worry in return. They're often there to back each other up and Dynamo will always be grateful when Noble saves his ass.. which happens more often than Dynamo will ever admit.  
      Dual attack: Thunderbird - Summons a giant bird surrounded by an electric energy that swoops down on it's foes, attacking all in it's path.
 Seraphim - Seraph is an unofficial member of the 'Dynamo protection crew'. Although he's got an attitude, Dynamo had no problem seeing past it and considering him that 'main bro' kind of guy. They became quick friends after they got over each other's flaws, and now they hang out on the regular and are best friends. Dynamo takes it upon himself to keep Seraph safe as he's kind of squishy on the battlefield, no matter how many times he says 'don't worry'
      Dual attack: Smite - A giant sigil is formed on the ground, as spears formed of holy light and electricity are summoned above. They rain down on their foes releasing an AOE surge of electric damage.

 Aura - Aura is perhaps the only one out of their group who can keep up with Dynamo's reckless nature. The two of them get along incredibly well, so much so that she has threatened Seraph's 'main bro' status at least several times. The two make a destructive team in battle, though outside of battle she's often the one bringing Dynamo back down to earth since she can speak his language, you know 'loud and obnoxious'.

 Ghost - Probably the most distant to him out of their group, but it's not for lack of trying on Dynamo's part. Dyna doesn't seem to understand the boy, he knows he's kind of weird and stand-offish, preferring the company of.. plush toys(?) to people, but he does try for Mirage's sake. Generally just starting a conversation is difficult for these two. That being said there's an unspoken agreement between them and despite the strange tension, they always manage to have each other's backs.  

Lydia Rowlett - Lydia is his beloved princess and a representation of all that's good in the world. At least that's what he'd say if he wanted to embarrass her. Though they are complete and polar opposites, Dynamo can't help but hold Lydia with respect. She's always done right and really protecting her just seems like the right thing to do. Not only for Noble's sake or because she's some kind of 'Infernal princess', but just because they're friends.

Leonardo Nickolas - The two kind of had a rough meeting, and arguably meeting Leo has brought upon a whole mess of trouble for the Infernal. But Dynamo would do it all over again, perhaps do some things better if it meant he could keep Leo safe. Dynamo isn't quite sure what made him want to protect the Celestial, but he'd been doing it since they met. They became friends and before he knew it, they fell head first into a relationship. Dynamo knows full well that his friends don't approve of Leo, but he's too stubborn to listen and will keep on fighting for the boy, warning signals abound or not.

 Irene Moore 'Doll' - Irene has been causing trouble for him since they day they met, though that doesn't mean it's a bad thing. The two of them will easily fight to the death if they're on duty, though the circumstances are completely different when they're not.  Dynamo really doesn't see anything wrong with Irene, other then the fact she's so loyal to Apollo. Obviously they don't really hate each other as much as their fighting suggests, as they can often be caught hanging out and sometimes going on dates when tensions are low.

 Vega O'Berne - Dynamo will never understand why this carrot always seems to try and one-up him. Ever since their first battle, there's been a strange tension that Dynamo can't place. Of course they do tend to hang out given the opportunity, there's still something strange about the way Vega acts around him.

 Fidelia Blanc - In similar fashion to Irene, Dynamo doesn't seem to mind the company of Fidelia. In fact he will often seek her out to just hang out or go places. The two of them seem to be matched in energy and recklessness and they seem to have a mutual agreement that, even though their battles are dangerous, they're also just plain fun. They like to poke fun at each other and seem to have similar interests so you could say Dynamo considers her a friend.. despite the whole trying to kill each other thing.

Theme/ transformation/battle: 
Theme: Biotonic - Ani

History: - 


   ◉ He's pretty laid-back and a bit lazy, so he isn't likely to attack a Celestial upon first sighting. This makes him one of the easiest Infernals to talk to, even befriend.
   ◉ When he gets too mad, he releases a little bolt of energy that short circuits electronic devices, oops.
   ◉ You can tell who's in Dynamo's friend group because they actually acknowledge and use the dumb nicknames Dyna gave them.
   ◉ Excluding Percival and Isaac, all the magical kids with nicknames were the first batch of magicals I made and the rest just happened along the way.
   ◉ He pretends to be cool but it's painfully obvious that he's just a massive nerd. Over here with his vidya games and his wifis and his mangos.