


2 years, 11 months ago




He is actually a dream traveler deity.... but doesn't have his own dimension he resides in so he lives in the candylan kingdom or wherever the other candy guyes are!!

He visits dreamers who are havign dreams about like. candy LOL 

Very carefree and kinda lazey!!

he can slightly alter his body parts like morphing the size of theyre tail or if they wanna have paw pads or not and. other stuff !!

they're very squishy too ummm probbyl partialy made out of gummy?? 

He used to be bullied a lot that. put him in a mentally dark state in the past but is doing a little better now! he acts very carefree n sctuff but he can actually be self-conscious about himself and has som insecurities yahh

His tongue has a weird placement in his mouth so he has this lisp too. His tongue is always seen sticking out!

ummm his favorite show is south park too giggleq

he also likes  posting on social media too n stuff like ummm vlogs or whatever since it was an outlet n coping thing for his mental strugglez and he goes by the name "GLITTERSLUG" online :lpolzies

sory this is a litol messy I copied and pasted this from my server but this is prety much everything about him teehee