Coding Profiles (Kingdom Hearts)



4 years, 3 months ago



【 Full Name 】 Soren
【 Age 】 19
【 Gender 】 Male | He/Him
【 Sexuality 】 ---
【 Birthday 】 ---
【 Hometown 】 Daybreak Town
【 Theme 】 ---
【 Affection 】 ---
I don't care about this 'union' thing...I mean, won't it just lead to fighting?
Status Obtained Value
NFT/S Ever
Designed by me


【 Height 】 5' 10"
【 Demeanor 】 Indifferent
【 Build 】 Average/Slim
【 Voice 】 ---
【 Notes 】 - note
- note






【 Kind 】【 Charismatic 】【 Indifferent 】
【 Strong Willed 】【 Irritable 】【 Modest 】

Soren, growing up in Daybreak Town, always thought that having Unions was odd. He never even officially joined a union himself. They all have the same goal of collecting Lux, so why did there have to be a seperation? But even though he didn't agree woth it, he kept his indifferences to himself, since most wielders at the time were serious about proving their union was the best. Despite this, he tries his best to be kind and help others when he can. This has given him a bit of a reputation - other wielders looking up to him almost like he's a hero. Soren really doesn't agree with this, but appresciates the attention nonetheless. Due to this, he tended to his his strong opinions about the unions. Even if he was so modest, he didn't want others to berate him just for what he believed in. And when the fighting he feared would stat actually did, he was irritated beyond belief. He hated to see his fellow Keyblade wielders fighitng over the same thing.


Junebug was raised by the sea. Her father, who she called 'Papa', was a sailor, and would always be out early in the morning, before the sun came out, fishing near the house. June loved the sea, and wanted to go out with her dad, but he was too scared that she'd get hurt, so she was never allowed too.

Since she lived far from town, she didn't have many friends, and only played with other kids when they visited the sea. Despite this, she was never lonely or bored, since she loved exploring and nature so much, and was always outside. this did get her in trouble and lost a few times, but she has learned from those mistakes. June also never went to school, but was homeschooled by her father. She loved her life, and wished to always stay by the sea with her father.

That didn't last.

【 Death 】

It was before dawn on June's 9th birthday. Her father promised that he would take her boating with him for the first time. She was so excited, so she decided to sleep extra early, as they would be going out so early in the morning. When it was time, June was already up and ready before her father could come to get her. As he was getting the boat ready, he kept telling her all the safety tips he's ever learned. Nothing scared him more than losing his own daughter. They were ready, and set off on the sea. June was amazed, she had never been on a boat before. Everything was fine, and she was having fun.

June doesn't remember what happened. Somehow, she had fallen off the boat. Her father came running and grabbed her hand, but the water was to deep and the current was too strong. Eventually, he fell in too. June was already unconscious, but her father desperately to save her. But since they were so far from land, he just kept getting swept away by the current, till both of them drowned.

【 Heat Haze 】

June awoke on an upside down boat in the middle of the ocean. It was almost pitch black, she could barely see.


【 Union 】 Never officially joined one
【 Dandelion? 】 Yes
【 Weapon 】 Keyblade
【 Weapon Name 】 Broken Locket

【 Broken Locket 】

The ability to see in the dark, no matter how dark, for a limited amount of time. The user will see the area as if their eyes are flashlights, only being able to see a ways in front of them, but it looks as if the area is in it's most natural light.

【 Powers and Magic 】

If the user gets hurt in the eye or sees a bright light, the power is interrupted and unusable for a short period of time or until the eye injury is healed.




【 Close Friend 】

Rexson isn't sure how to feel about Demyx. He trusts him much more than any other organization member, but he still isn't too sure. Demyx is one of the few members who really doesn't like being there or doing their missions, so Rexson appreciates that. It also seems that Demyx seems to like Rexson for a similar reason. They're both 'in' the Organization, but don't really like being there.



【 Friend 】

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi varius libero non sem dapibus, eget viverra nisl sagittis. Ut interdum mi non sagittis euismod. Suspendisse id venenatis massa.


New York

【 --- 】

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi varius libero non sem dapibus, eget viverra nisl sagittis. Ut interdum mi non sagittis euismod. Suspendisse id venenatis massa.



【 --- 】

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi varius libero non sem dapibus, eget viverra nisl sagittis. Ut interdum mi non sagittis euismod. Suspendisse id venenatis massa.


【 Full Name 】 Rexson 'Rex'
【 Age 】 19
【 Gender 】 Male | He/Him
【 Sexuality 】 ---
【 Birthday 】 ---
【 Hometown 】 Unknown
【 Theme 】 ---
【 Affection 】 ---
My heart...? I don't have one, right?
Status Obtained Value
NFT/S Ever
Designed by me


【 Height 】 5' 8"
【 Demeanor 】 Protective
【 Build 】 ---
【 Voice 】 ---
【 Notes 】 - note
- note






【 Closed Off 】【 Reserved 】【 Protective 】
【 Impulsive 】【 Skittish 】【 Conflicted 】

Locking off their heart from the world, Rexson has always been afraid. He's never trusted or understood much of anyone or anything, especially after being with the Organization, who share most of their memories. Due to all of this, he locked off his heart so that no one can do anything with it, no matter what. The powers they have to do this is just one other thing he doesn't understand. Not remember much of anything before the Organization doesn't help, either. He is extremely protective of himself and his heart, which is why he's so impulsive. He can be rather aggressively protective at times, as well as skittish if scared enough. All he wants is too find out who he really is and to get his memories back. If he had any, that is. It's just too confusing and conflicting - it's hard to tell who's good or who's bad, sometimes.


Junebug was raised by the sea. Her father, who she called 'Papa', was a sailor, and would always be out early in the morning, before the sun came out, fishing near the house. June loved the sea, and wanted to go out with her dad, but he was too scared that she'd get hurt, so she was never allowed too.

Since she lived far from town, she didn't have many friends, and only played with other kids when they visited the sea. Despite this, she was never lonely or bored, since she loved exploring and nature so much, and was always outside. this did get her in trouble and lost a few times, but she has learned from those mistakes. June also never went to school, but was homeschooled by her father. She loved her life, and wished to always stay by the sea with her father.

That didn't last.

【 Death 】

It was before dawn on June's 9th birthday. Her father promised that he would take her boating with him for the first time. She was so excited, so she decided to sleep extra early, as they would be going out so early in the morning. When it was time, June was already up and ready before her father could come to get her. As he was getting the boat ready, he kept telling her all the safety tips he's ever learned. Nothing scared him more than losing his own daughter. They were ready, and set off on the sea. June was amazed, she had never been on a boat before. Everything was fine, and she was having fun.

June doesn't remember what happened. Somehow, she had fallen off the boat. Her father came running and grabbed her hand, but the water was to deep and the current was too strong. Eventually, he fell in too. June was already unconscious, but her father desperately to save her. But since they were so far from land, he just kept getting swept away by the current, till both of them drowned.

【 Heat Haze 】

June awoke on an upside down boat in the middle of the ocean. It was almost pitch black, she could barely see.


【 Somebody 】 Soren
【 Organization Number 】 XIII
【 Weapon 】 Keyblade
【 Weapon Name 】 Broken Locket

【 Broken Locket 】

The ability to see in the dark, no matter how dark, for a limited amount of time. The user will see the area as if their eyes are flashlights, only being able to see a ways in front of them, but it looks as if the area is in it's most natural light.

【 Powers and Magic 】

If the user gets hurt in the eye or sees a bright light, the power is interrupted and unusable for a short period of time or until the eye injury is healed.




【 Friend(?) 】

Rexson isn't sure how to feel about Demyx. He trusts him much more than any other organization member, but he still isn't too sure. Demyx is one of the few members who really doesn't like being there or doing their missions, so Rexson appreciates that. It also seems that Demyx seems to like Rexson for a similar reason. They're both 'in' the Organization, but don't really like being there.



【 Friend 】

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi varius libero non sem dapibus, eget viverra nisl sagittis. Ut interdum mi non sagittis euismod. Suspendisse id venenatis massa.


New York

【 --- 】

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi varius libero non sem dapibus, eget viverra nisl sagittis. Ut interdum mi non sagittis euismod. Suspendisse id venenatis massa.



【 --- 】

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi varius libero non sem dapibus, eget viverra nisl sagittis. Ut interdum mi non sagittis euismod. Suspendisse id venenatis massa.