


7 years, 1 month ago


 G E N E R A L

Name : Teodor Martín
 ---  Nickname(s): Teo

Gender : Male, but questioning (he / him or they / them)

Age : 21
--- Birthday January 1996

Sexuality : hoo knows.............

 A P P E A R A N C E  

Species : Fossa
Race : Costa Rican 

  • 6'1
  • Average build, narrow shoulders 
  • Has resting bitch face


  • Baseball shirts
  • Bug shirts
  • Jeans

➸ B E H A V I O R S 

Personality Desc.

  • Analytical
    • Teo has a tendency to distance himself from the world around him and analyze rather than react. 
    • This often saves Teo from getting his feelings hurt; he tends to place the reason for others insulting him on THEM. I.e. if someone says that he's a bitch, he will interpret it as them feeling insecure about their own strength and worth. This can be both good and bad. On the one hand, he's pretty much impervious to feeling self-conscious around others. On the other, he regularly ignores what can be good pointers on his flaws. 
    • Often forgives others for their actions because he knows about the drives that caused them to be this way. 
  • Determinist
    • Believes people are driven by their genetics and the circumstances of their childhood, and therefore can't REALLY be held accountable for their actions 
    • However, he will only surround himself with people he admires qualities about. These can be buried under miles of garbage, but he likes em. 
  • Observant
    • Teo notices a LOT about others, and is extremely good at figuring out what people are about without knowing them for very long. 
  • Arrogant
    • It's not that he thinks he's better than everyone else; it's just that he thinks his OPINIONS are better informed than everyone else's. 
  • Adaptable
    • He tends to slot himself into positions that others expect him to be in (as long as they know him a little bit first). With people he's closer to, he'll still do this, but he really only gets close with those who stick him in positions he enjoys being slotted into. 
    • Riss is jealous of how together he seems to be, but she also expects him to lose his shit once in a while. He likes this because it lets him lose his shit once in a while, and simultaneously feel like he mostly DOES have his shit together. 
    • August finds him really interesting and sees him as a good listener / a good person to get advice on people from. August thinks Teo is trustworthy and needs to take better care of himself when it comes to the company he keeps. 
  • Thoughtful
    • Despite the fact that Teo can be blunt and arrogant pretty often, he also deeply cares about his friends. He shows this in small ways - complimenting something really genuinely about their personality, thinking of them when he runs errands, etc. 
    • He's also extremely friendly with those he doesn't know well, though he needs prompting to get out of his own head sometimes. Really likes to learn about others. Will remember your birthday and first name the moment you tell him. 


  • Bugs - Teo owns one stag beetle and one tarantula at the moment. Really wants to get scorpions once these kids pass. Lets himself have a max of three bugs at a time. 


  • Boring people / people who don't appear to have "real" problems 

Misc. Extras

  • Psychology major (of course)
  • History minor
  • Actually isn't THAT great at school; b- average, doesn't enjoy doing homework unless it directly correlates to his interests. gets solid enough grades on tests though. 
  • Secretly into zodiac shit, but doesn't like to advertise it because he feels as though it lowers his credibility. 
  • Can eat pretty much anything. Has a stomach of steel. All of his friends are simultaneously impressed and horrified. (His mom was Not a good cook)

Human version? 

➸ B A C K S T O R Y


Teo grew up with a pretty wealthy family. His parents were a bit distant; busy with work for the most part. They often gained his affection through gifts, and regularly gave him books. He started to build things at an early age, and his parents were delighted by it. 

High School


➸ P L A Y L I S T

Between the Bars ; Eliot Smith

Drunk Drivers ; Car Seat Headrest

➸ R E L A T I O N S H I P S 


  • They have a weird relationship. They met in group therapy, so they knew a LOT about each other before they were really friends. Neither of them went for more than a month though. 
  • He has a crush on her, one that she does not reciprocate at all. He knows this. He still has a crush on her. He's not pushy about it, though, and is mostly hoping it'll go away. 
  • They hang out and talk about therapy stuff a lot. He needs to be less of a pushover, and she needs to lash out less / be less defensive. Neither of them really have healthy ways of telling each other this, but they try their best.