


7 years, 3 days ago



Name Seth Harmon
Nickname(s) N/A
Age 19
Pronouns He/Him
Sexuality straight
Occupation Student
RAce White.....

Seth is a somewhat entitled guy who really enjoys video games, playing guitar, and building things with his pals. He has a couple of bad habits that he needs to shake, but all around his life is going pretty okay. He's currently working on getting his girlfriend back. 

Seth stands at about 5'10, and is a thin man with scruffy fur. 


  • Video games (esp LoZ)
  • Vape lyfe
  • Girls
  • All kinds of music
  • Building things
  • Reddit


  • Feminism
  • Being dirty
  • People who guilt-trip
  • Overly chatty people
  • Most social media websites (full of drivel)
  • Math




OPENNESS : MEDIUM Seth is open to new opportunities as long as they are low-risk. He doesn't like doing things that he doesn't see as potentially interesting or rewarding, and is choosy about the things he extends himself for. Additionally, he's a pretty creative person and is quick to think up new musical riffs or stories for other people. 

CONSCIENTIOUSNESS : HIGH Seth usually sticks with things for as long as he can. His motivation for things varies a lot, but he's pretty good at setting things down and picking them up again when he has the energy. He likes to steadily chip away at things. He sometimes falls into a habit of sticking with something even when it makes him unhappy. He doesn't like failing. He's rather stubborn as well, and generally isn't very flexible when it comes to his interests or desires. 

EXTROVERSION : MEDIUM Although Seth is inflexible in most areas, it doesn't apply to his social life. He likes being the center of attention when he can -- he extends opinions, jokes, etc and is willing to take risks in this area of his life. He lives for positive attention, and goes to a lot of lengths to get it. He's very careful about cultivating a certain image that will ensure the right people like him. He doesn't care if there's a large group that dislikes him, as long as everyone he wants to be friends with sees him in a good light. 

He's generally pretty loyal to his friends, although he puts himself first every time. He likes casual interactions and tends to shy away from really deep talks with any of his guy friends. He doesn't care what they all do together as long as it's chill. 

AGREEABLENESS : LOW Seth thinks that his happiness and satisfaction are much more important than that of others, though he wouldn't admit it. 

NEUROTICISM : HIGH Seth has a combination of depression and anxiety that he's been dealing with since he was around 13. 


He's actually pretty solid at playing the guitar. He's also an abuser. 

Greatest fear is dying alone, second greatest fear is Failing. not that afraid of public speaking. 


something sad about his parents not like picking him as the favorite even though they clearly love and support him. he's just entitled! it just be like that!!!! 



Rory  [ exes ]

These two dated for a while -- about a year -- and broke up VERY recently. Seth currently is determined to prove to Rory that they belong together, and should keep dating even though she's going off to college and he isn't. 


Gus  [ friends ]

They bonded over a mutual dislike for racists and a mutual enjoyment of music. They swap playlists and CD's constantly, and enjoy talking about whatever weird stuff is going on in their shared economics class on any given day. They aren't incredibly close, but they hang out outside of school sometimes. 


Teo  [ friends ]

These two met in a shop class, and immediately got along like a house on fire. Teo doesn't mind listening to Seth rant about extremist politics, and Seth in turn doesn't feel talked-down-to when Teo explains how to best improve whatever item they're working on in class. They meet up regularly to do nerdy hobbies together and revel in their own straightness or whatever. idk what men do leave me alone

HTML by lowkeywicked

genuinely not interested in trying to find a solution for the bad feelings; thinks that self-medicating is fine. thinks that he's better than most other people & doesn't deal well with failures (real or imagined)

➸ B E H A V I O R S 

Personality Desc.

  • Tends towards extremes
    • Seth swings wildly between blaming himself for everything & blaming himself for nothing. 
    • Gets mad at people "not understanding," is 100% one of those people who thinks depression etc excuses them for bad behavior (because he "can't help it").

  • Easily Excitable
    • Gets fuckin pumped over talking about video games / video game lore. 
    • When he gets excited, he WILL talk for hours without stopping. 
  • Adventurous
    • Seth prefers to stay indoors generally, but he also won't pass up the opportunity for adventure if he's not horribly depressed that day.