


2 years, 10 months ago


AGE13 years

Reference image

Profile template by Circlejourney
Edits by AnonSpice
Character and design by AnonSpice

Girfugol is a gryphon based RP/ARPG group with aspects of medieval mythology and magic; hosted on discord and deviantart.

Fallow has since stepped down from her job as royal guard, but may still occasionally be seen around Preyma, or with high-ranking Mountain Kingdom characters. She is a stoic, level-headed avus, and will likely not be reacting to any situation except to step forward and protect whoever she needs to.
May be used as a fellow soldier or student, or as a royal guard for any events before January 2023. Feel free to ping me in the girfugol discord if you want to discuss anything you're unsure would be in character!
May not be shipped with other characters unless this is something we've planned together!

- Dedicated
- Level-headed
- Capable

- Stoic
- Unwavering
- Loyal

- Grim
- Incurious
- Blunt
- (Personally) reckless

- With horizontal pupils and eyes on the side of her head, Fallow can see from basically all directions at all times, and that's not taking into account how far she can turn her head
- Strong forearms and long claws. A strike from her is devastating, even to fully armoured foes
- Absolutely relentless in a fight. She will defend who she's guarding or die trying
- Tank. Even unarmoured, it takes a lot to take Fallow down.

- Cannot run or fly particularly fast
- Easily outmaneuvered by smaller, quicker avus
- Not particularly personable. Fallow is cordial, but she says it how it is, leading her to rub many avus the wrong way


Name origin
A type of deer
Plot death
Absolutely yes
Cause of death (if no plots available)
Crushed while shoving someone out of the way of a rockslide/avalanche

Purchased traits/items
Scars: Large scar on right shoulder, scar across knuckles on right hand, pair of scars on left forearm,
Armour: Fullbody padded armour, bronze helmet, breastplate, pauldrons, vambraces and talon extensions.
Size class
Weight class
Fallow is a large, imposing avus. Many find her downright unsettling. Her arms are thick with muscle and end in vicious claws you definitely don’t want to be on the wrong end of. Her broad shoulders tower above most avus, but her back slopes dramatically down to her diminutive hind legs, giving her an interesting gait to say the least. Her neck is long, spindly and lined with a dark, glossy mane. While her colours are grey for the most part, striking orange and yellow can be found in her eyes, mouth and dewlap. While laid back, her stoic face is slow to emote, making her rather hard to read.


Fallow was born and raised in Preyma by her fathers. Neither were soldiers, instead, they followed their families traditions of working as smiths and loggers, respectively. Both efforts were essential to the war, society, or both, so Fallow spent a lot of her younger years with her extended family while her parents worked. She and her cousins were never directly told, but they always knew what had befallen family members when they didn't return for the winter solstice.

Fallow made her way through school without much fuss. She wasn't sure what she wanted to do in terms of a career, but she knew she didn't want to be a fighter. She was good enough at it, but the thought of doing what had taken so many aunts and uncles away… she didn't like the sound of it. She considered being a logger or a smith like her parents for a time, but her thick knuckles and long claws made holding tools awkward, and she didn't enjoy the thought of spending days away from home felling trees. Instead, she supposed she'd like to be a carer. She enjoyed spending time with children, finding ways to entertain their curious little minds, and the kingdom was in desperate need of them with so many citizens off fighting in the war or working double time at home to keep society running.
It was in her first months of school that she met her partner, Silvergrass. The young roo was more driven than she was, being the son of a captain eager to prove himself, but the two shared the same sense of humour, and often helped one another study their weaker subjects. It took a while for either to catch on to the other's feelings, but eventually the two got together.

Fallow graduated right on schedule, and quickly found a job looking after young avus while their parents were away, be it at work or at war. While it pained them to be apart and worry sat like a rock in her belly whenever he was away, Silvergrass enlisted as a soldier and spent half of his time on the battlefield. Despite this, the two only grew closer and after a few years they decided to try for a clutch of their own. This, unfortunately, only brought them grief. Fallow would lay just fine, but after a few clutches, it became clear something was wrong. The eggs would never hatch. Sometimes they would gain weight, but they would always stop halfway through. Saddened, but not discouraged, the two began to consider adopting. While Fallow didn't directly work at the orphanage, she had babysat several of the young avus who had been moved there after their parents were lost to the war.

 That, unfortunately, would never happen.

On what was supposed to be a routine patrol, Silvergrass was killed when it was diverted to assist a small village in a raid. She laid one more egg but of course, despite fervent attention, it didn't hatch.
Absolutely shattered by loss, she enlisted as a soldier. She couldn't stand to work with children right now, and she couldn't stand doing nothing. Quickly, she gained a reputation as a ferocious fighter. It didn't matter who she was fighting or how bad they hurt her, she just kept coming. She never gained rank, she had no mind for strategy, but after a few years she was moved to the Queen's personal squadron. The one she sent in when she wanted the enemy wiped off the map. The two had a good rapport, but their relationship was strictly business. 

Until Zinnia's partner was killed.
It was pure chance that she stumbled upon the Queen just outside their camp the night she'd received the news, but like in battle, she didn't hesitate to throw herself right into the thick of things. She didn't say much, there weren't words for an agony like that, but she comforted Zinnia through the first throws of grief. And through many more, it turned out. While it was nerve wracking to speak freely with the Queen at first, the two bonded over their shared loss and quickly became friends, of a sort. They didn't have too much in common, but they held similar opinions on most things, and got along well enough. Perhaps it was out of care for her life that the Queen removed her from the battlefield and promoted her to royal guard. She was a strong fighter, but field duty was inevitably going to get her killed. Some small part of her was relieved, she had to admit. She was happy, she supposed, to be focused on protecting life rather than taking it.

Age she came in on - present

- Zinnia gets robbed by some kid in Baraahn. Chases him with Reprise a bit but no luck. Zinna neglects to mention the ordeal at the meeting with Queen Inula, not wanting a street urchin to be slaughtered
- That time Ven went missing and she went searching high and low for him with Zinnia and Reprise. The find him before the treaty, thank the dragons
- Zinnia DIES. Distraught for loss of friend
- Rancor?? Arrives?? Weird but okay. Looks after the child. She's a goddamn handful. Also not to connect dots, but she's kinda weird, like even she can notice that
- Warring and such. Most of the field work falls to Agate, as Fallow is busy keeping Rancor on a leash while Reprise shoulders the weight of the kingdom.
- NK banned for murdering pregnant whale crimes. Feels terribly for Reprise, this is all obviously weighing on her.
- Inula was the man behind the slaughter. The betrayal does NOT go down well with Reprise. Tries to help. Mostly just brought her food.
- Reprise dies. Ven is on the throne now. It's her fault, she's sure. Resigns to become a farmer in the middle of nowhere
- Meets Rose. They're both looking for a new home, in a way. Decides to move with her to the seaside because the middle of nowhere isn't particularly good for her. The farmland is rubbish everywhere, so it's not like it makes much difference
- Rose's jaw gets wrecked by a whale. Helps take care of her. Lots of soup.



Father (unofficial)Loves
Father (unofficial)Loves
Hammer (unofficial)Cousin; loves
Anvil (unofficial)Cousin; loves
Silvergrass (unofficial)Former partner; loved, dearly misses


Former Queen Zinnia (NPC)Friend, commander; admired, respected, dearly misses. 
Former Queen Reprise (NPC)Friend, commander; respects, dearly misses. Feels like she failed her by not preventing her fall into paranoia and then death.
King VengeanceCommander; loves like her own son. Has helped care for him since he was a baby. Finds it hard to see him shouldering the kingdom so soon, but is very proud
Princess Sergeant RancorCommander; loves like her own daughter. Was one of her main carers as she grew up. Can only hope her headstrong nature serves the kingdom well, is proud of her so far
Royal Guard Agate (NPC)Former co-worker; respects. Sad things between him and Bushfire ended that way. The guy was an asshole, but loosing a partner always sucks
General ArgusCommander; respects. The best guide for the royal children she could hope for. Wishes him luck
Captain CrocosmiaCommander; respects. Another excellent guide for the royal children. Wishes her luck
RoseDear friend; the poor hen has known horrors. Least of all her teeth getting smashed in by a whale. Feels a deep kinship and care for her.
Royal Guard Bird (NPC)Acquaintance; met the spy briefly in years prior, but knows her more as her replacement as royal guard and Rose's sister. Gets along well enough, but is always startled when she treats Rose like a sister rather than the employers she's used to seeing her interact with
SourwoodAcquaintance; a sweet little guy. Met them when they apprenticed under their cousins, Hammer and Anvil. Apparently they're also related to Bird and Rose, somehow. Gives them advice on how to work through ruts. The poor thing needs it
Shear (NPC)Former commander; met him a few times as he worked with Queen Zinnia. Hates hates hates hates
Agate (group NPC)Co-worker; respects


  • Having things to do
  • Spending time with children


  • Rudeness, particularly from high-ranking avus
  • Hot sunny days, her dark mane and bill soak up the sun far too much


  • She moves much like a gorilla, if gorrillas had horrible long necks
  • She absolutely lets kids braid and play with her mane
