


2 years, 9 months ago


adj - adj - adj
Gender Female
Sexuality Straight
Role Engineer (Mechanic) / Errand Girl / Anima Collector
Alignment Lawful Good
Status Alive

Write basic character info here (summary). Box scrolls. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Voluptatem, rerum minima harum eum magni quidem illum cupiditate, cumque quisquam nemo quaerat, iure fugit inventore excepturi deleniti error consectetur eaque in.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Voluptate nam quos error neque distinctio earum, rerum expedita eaque eos, aperiam sit. Magni natus nisi repellat perferendis reiciendis esse facere. Nam.

 Height   5'5 ft. 
 Weight   122 lbs. 
 Ethnicity   Aytherix
 Body Type   Endo-meso 
 Body Shape   Pear 
 Species   Scottish Fold Phelidae 
Design Notes
  • Folded ears mandatory, she is a Scottish Fold
  • Eyes are round, almost circular
  • Generally wears loose-fitting or modest/casual clothing when out of uniform

Mairi is a female Scottish Fold that stands at around 5'5 and weighs 122 pounds. She, like all Phelidae, has cat-like traits such as feline ears and a tail. However as a Scottish Fold, her ears have a folded appearance. Her body is toned but not overly muscular, her hips are a bit chubby and slightly wider than her bust. She has rounded sea green eyes with large circular pupils. She has fangs but they are rather dull compared to others of her species. Her hair is slightly wavy and usually worn in a bob at shoulder length. It matches the color of her ears and tail, silver-esque and darker near the tips.

Uniform consists of:

-White leather jacket with pale blue-gray trim, a pale gold Aytherix symbol worn on the left lapel

-White leather shorts and a blue-gray leather belt, the latter having a small pouch to carry items

-White leather boots with blue-gray belts and soles. These go up to her thigh, each belt has a pale gold buckle.

-A light green/aqua bandana.

-A bodysuit that is black aside from the light green ring around the circular cutout on the stomach area. Her fingerless gloves are connected to this underneath her jacket sleeves.

- A white leather cap with a pale blue-gray brim, upon which sits a pair of goggles with green tinted lenses and a black band

 Positive Traits   + perseverant + loyal + diligent
 Neutral Traits   ~ sarcastic ~ conservative ~ laid-back
 Negative Traits   - lazy (sometimes) - blunt - cynical
  • Aytherix
  • Napping
  • Guns and machinery
  • Krenyra
  • Being annoyed
  • Arrogance

As Peirrie's assistant, she listens to orders quite well. She takes after her boss in a lot of ways, it shows in her sarcasm and immense dislike of Krenyran culture. Sometimes she can be a bit of a slacker and dozes off or naps during working hours, but in important situations she quickly becomes serious. Around those she trusts she reveals she is laid-back, easygoing, and loves to crack jokes.

While she is sometimes rather reckless, she knows to be careful around those who are stronger than her and has decent intuition.

Mairi has a love of all things machinery, whether it be motorbikes or guns. As an engineer she likes to build her own in her free time, and is often sent to repair things around Aytherix. In her pouch she often keeps bolts, nuts, or her foldable wrench in case she needs them for repairs.

 mental stat 


 stat 1   stat 2 

 stat 1   stat 2 



 physical stat 


 stat 1   stat 2 

 stat 1   stat 2 



  • Good with weapons and machines, dexterity
  • Can use anima
  • Surprisingly athletic
  • Occasionally slacks off
  • Blindly follows orders
  • Inexperienced and occasionally reckless

Mairi has decent combat training, as an anima collector and mechanic she has an understanding of weapons and how to use them. Fighting off the occasional soldier on her drives proves to be no issue for her, especially with the help of the powerful anima energy. However there is much to be desired with her current skillset, as experience with serious combat is rather shallow.

Anima BulletsWith enough stored anima energy, Mairi can enhance the ammo of her weapons to do massive damage to enemies who are not properly armed. However, enemies with proper protection and anima skills of their own can easily hold their ground against her. 
Weapon VersatilityMairi's rather skilled with her hands and can use different kinds of guns and even her wrench to attack her enemies. She can even attack while driving.
Anima Shield Mairi can use anima to create a shield around her which can protect her from attacks that would normally severely injure her. This shield is highly effective and almost immune to non-anima related attacks, but can be broken if damaged enough. Anima based attacks and weapons will be able to break it much faster. Shield strength depends on the amount of anima used to create it.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Itaque, culpa et. Cumque cupiditate labore beatae laudantium perspiciatis provident unde nam architecto quis, culpa voluptatum ab? Dolor numquam ullam deleniti animi?


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Itaque, culpa et. Cumque cupiditate labore beatae laudantium perspiciatis provident unde nam architecto quis, culpa voluptatum ab? Dolor numquam ullam deleniti animi?


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Itaque, culpa et. Cumque cupiditate labore beatae laudantium perspiciatis provident unde nam architecto quis, culpa voluptatum ab? Dolor numquam ullam deleniti animi?

  • She has a distaste for overly sweet food, and drinks her coffee black.
  • She has attempted to build robots before, but they tended to self destruct within an hour or two. 
  • Ambidextrous
  • Song - Artist
  • Song - Artist
  • Song - Artist
  • The characters, shows, etc. that inspired this character.
  • Content.
  • Content.